Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I can't trust you. I can only rely on ussss... Quote2
—Scream Symbiote[src]


While bonded to Harry Osborn, the venom symbiote spawned an offspring and bonded it to Mary Jane Watson before pitting it against Spider-Man.

MJ was able to free herself from the alien, which withered and died without a host.[1]


Scream is the manifestation of Mary Jane's worst repressed feelings. She is violent, sadistic, temperamental and hostile. Much of her anger comes from how she feels about Peter, as she believes he cares more about being Spider-Man than he pays attention to her. She also feels that many of her dreams have been left aside and that no one cares about her achievements. Despite everything, a small part of her true self was still there, managing to save herself with Peter's help.



Symbiote Biology:


  • High-frequency Sounds: The symbiote is extremely weak to high-frequency sounds produced by sources such as alarms to church bells, which can cause the alien and its host to experience extreme pain. Prolonged exposure could kill the symbiote or even cause the host to separate itself from the alien with enough willpower.


See Also

Links and References

