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Marvel Database

Quote1 When I was a student here, I was a member of a team known as the New Mutants. We were the only students here. And we were like a family. Now there are more than a hundred of you. That's a great thing. But my kids are like a family, too...I proudly present my squad...the NEW MUTANTS. Quote2
Dani Moonstar

Appearing in "Choosing Sides 2 of 6: Assembly"

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Synopsis for "Choosing Sides 2 of 6: Assembly"

As the kids react to the news that they may be split up soon, Julian arrives to spoil the moment by threatening to tell on them for being in the Danger Room unsupervised. An argument ensues, but Sofia manages to get Julian to keep it a secret by working Julian’s crush on her. The kids attempt to get Dani to explain what is going on, but she tells them she is too busy at the moment. Nori meets her new roommate, Sooraya Qadir aka Dust, and they immediately get into a disagreement over their beliefs on women’s rights and religion. Nori leaves, and is soon found by Cyclops, who demands his keycard back, and warns her that the rules are in place for her safety. He admits that he was impressed by the way they handled the Danger Room and decides not to punish her or the others, but tells her to get her gauntlets looked over. She asks if she can’t just get rid of them, but Cyclops convinces her to give them another try, and after a brief conversation, they head off in their own directions. Meanwhile, David isn’t pleased about the possible changes, and decides that he will tell Dani the next day that he is leaving, though Josh isn’t convinced. The following day, Julian meets up with Jay Guthrie and tells him that they both have Emma Frost as an adviser. Julian explains about codenames, and Jay says that Icarus would be his choice. The two arrive at the basketball court, where a three-on-three game soon begins: David, Josh, and Sofia versus Julian, Cessily, and Santo. Iceman drops in to referee, and after an impressive show of powers from both teams, Cessily scores the winning basket. After the game, the kids arrive too see Dani, and find out that she wanted to see them too. After a small amount of convincing, the kids agree to trust Dani on it, and she shows them templates of training uniforms, which they will be allowed to customize as they like. Monday’s Assembly arrives, and Cyclops explains that all students will be put into training squads of six people. He introduces his squad, the Corsairs, and Emma introduces her squad, the Hellions. Finally, Dani tells everyone about when she was a student and she was part of a team called the New Mutants. They were a family, and her kids are like one too. She introduces Prodigy, Wind Dancer, Surge, Wallflower, and Elixir, as her squad, the New Mutants!


See Also

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