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Marvel Database

Quote1 No, I told you already... no. I did not come back here to join you, Khonshu... I came to kill you. Quote2
Mr. Knight

Appearing in "Death and Birth: Part 4 of 5"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Anubis (Illusion or holographic simulation)
  • Anput (Illusion or holographic simulation)
  • Gena Landers (Mentioned)
  • Peter Alraune (Death) (Only in flashback)
  • Unnamed archaeologists (Only appearance; death) (Only in flashback)
  • Ahmed (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
  • Mummies (Corpses in illusion)

Races and Species:

  • Ennead (Illusion or holographic simulation)
  • Humans (Illusion in main story and appear in flashback)
  • Hellbent (Illusion in main story and appear in flashback)



Synopsis for "Death and Birth: Part 4 of 5"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


• Where has Marc Spector really been all this time? THE ANSWER IS HERE!

• Where was a man like Marc forged? THE ANSWER IS HERE!

• Where will the final battle be fought? THE ANSWER IS HERE!


  • The confusing nature of this volume is a result of therapy Marc underwent at Mercy Hospital for the Mentally Ill to come to terms with his dissociative identity disorder,[1] intertwined with Ennead-induced illusions and his own delusions.[2]

See Also

Links and References


  1. Moon Knight #189
  2. Bemis, Max (30 November 2017) Hey, max, will there be some sort of explanation for this? Twitter. Retrieved on 30 December 2017.