Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) (First appearance)
  • Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) (First appearance)
  • Alistaire Smythe (First appearance)
  • Spider-Slayers (First appearance)
  • Shocker (Herman Schultz) (First appearance)
  • Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich) (First appearance)
  • The Hand (First appearance)
    • Elektra (First appearance) (Leaves)
    • Gorgon (Tomi Shishido) (First appearance)
    • Kirigi the Undying (First appearance)
    • Lord Hirochi (First appearance)
    • Elder Tsu-jing (First appearance)
    • Ghost of Kimon (First appearance)
    • Grandmaster Hayato (First appearance)
    • Grandmaster Hotaru (First appearance)
    • Grandmaster Katsuo (First appearance)
    • Haokun the Brutal (First appearance)
    • Itagaki, Hand Champion (First appearance)
    • Kuroki the Cruel (First appearance)
    • Master Akiro (First appearance)
    • Master Gekidoku (First appearance)
    • Master Hakata (First appearance)
    • Master Hanako (First appearance)
    • Master Isamu (First appearance)
    • Master Jigoku (First appearance)
    • Master Kurai (First appearance)
    • Master Poisoner Naraku (First appearance)
    • Master Shinobu (First appearance)
    • Master Suzume (First appearance)
    • Master Yamaoka (First appearance)
    • Master Yuzuki (First appearance)
    • Miyoshi, Hand Champion (First appearance)
    • Nishimura (First appearance)
    • Poison-Taster Ryu (First appearance)
    • Sensei Akiyama (First appearance)
    • Sensei Fong (First appearance)
    • Sensei Okagi (First appearance)
    • Spirit Master Jin (First appearance)
    • Spiritmaster Mim (First appearance)
    • Tsuchigumo, Hand Champion (First appearance)
    • Tyroshi the Cursed (First appearance)
    • Brother of Mayhem (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed ninja
  • Hydra (First appearance)
    • Madame Hydra (Ophelia Sarkissian) (First appearance)
    • Mandarin (First appearance)
    • Agent Green (First appearance)
    • Baron von Lind (First appearance)
    • Bob, Agent of HYDRA (First appearance)
    • Captain Bien
    • Captain Hill
    • Captain Piedra
    • Commander Aguilera
    • Commander Decius
    • Commander Gaius
    • Commander Lucius
    • Commander Nero
    • Commander Rosenfield
    • Commander Solomon
    • Commander Tertius
    • Commander Tiberius
    • Commander Yorke
    • HYDRA Agent Gaston
    • HYDRA Agent Ghiocel
    • HYDRA Agent Kafalas
    • HYDRA Agent Thorne
    • HYDRA Agent William the Wolf
    • HYDRA Agent Zeinner
    • HYDRA General Bormann
    • Lieutenant Castellan
    • Lieutenant Cornish
    • Lieutenant Fistal
    • Lieutenant Gorman
    • Lieutenant Harting
    • Lieutenant Lieber
    • Lieutenant Romulus
    • Lieutenant Rowe
    • Lieutenant Saltz
    • Lieutenant Takimoto
    • Lieutenant Tilgner
    • Lieutenant Vermis
    • Mechmaster Lentz
    • Sergeant Black
    • Sergeant Brown
    • Sergeant Drew
    • Sergeant Kraus
    • Sergeant Rickard
    • Sergeant Trojak
    • Sergeant Winderfield
    • Sergeant Wood
    • Numerous unnamed soldiers
  • Brood (First appearance)
    • Hybrid Agent Donais
    • Hybrid Agent Shiue
    • Hybrid Agent Stephen Gay
    • Hybrid Doctor Schramm
    • Numerous sub-species and variations
  • Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) (First appearance)
  • Mole Man (Harvey Elder) (First appearance)
  • Moloids (First appearance)
  • Bullseye (Lester) (First appearance)
  • Purifiers (First appearance)
    • William Stryker (First appearance)
    • Alec the Purist
    • Brother Ryolnir
    • Commander Giguere
    • Commander Gladstone
    • Commander Pontac
    • Commander Smythe
    • Commander Syzmaszek
    • Deacon Hauck
    • Fall Dog
    • Grenadier Cook
    • Immolator Benjamin
    • Immolator Bonner
    • Immolator Forbeck
    • Immolator McDermott
    • Inquisitor Evarts
    • Overseer Claremont
    • Overseer Craddock
    • Overseer Kemp
    • Unnamed members
  • Tombstone (Lonnie Lincoln) (First appearance)
  • Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama) (First appearance)
  • Kaecilius (First appearance)
  • Sentinels (First appearance)
  • Predators X (First appearance)
  • Brotherhood of Mutants (First appearance)
  • Dinosaurs (First appearance)
    • Bone Mother (First appearance)
    • Bone-Head (First appearance)
    • Nipper (First appearance)
    • Ripper (First appearance)
    • Sharp-Tooth (First appearance)
    • Snag (First appearance)
    • Subject T-24 (First appearance)
  • Reavers (First appearance)
    • Bonebreaker (First appearance)
    • Dr. Reaverstein
    • Killer O'Keady
    • Mighty Max
    • Psycho Simon
    • Scrapmaster Vinnie
    • Tar-Man Jack
    • The Grater
    • Tommy the Torch
    • Numerous unnamed members
  • Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) (First appearance)
    • Wolverine Clone (First appearance)
    • Colossus Clone (First appearance)
    • Cyclops Clone
  • A.I.M. (First appearance)
  • Clones of Spider-Man
    • Back-in-Black Spider-Clone
    • Big Time Spider-Clone (Blue)
    • Big Time Spider-Clone (Green)
    • Big Time Spider-Clone (Red)
    • Ends of the Earth Clone
    • Future Foundation Clone
    • Superior Spider-Clone
  • Doombots (First appearance)
  • Servo-Guards (First appearance)
  • Dreadnoughts (First appearance)
  • Lethal Legion (First appearance)
  • Mister Hyde (Calvin Zabo) (First appearance)
  • Crossbones (First appearance)
  • Lizard (Curt Connors) (First appearance)
  • Vulture (Adrian Toomes) (First appearance)
  • Dark Elves (First appearance)
    • Malekith (First appearance)
    • Kurse (First appearance)
    • Captain Sumac (First appearance)
    • Captain Torog (First appearance)
    • Aconitum (First appearance)
    • Anthurium (First appearance)
    • Antti of the Three Thumbs (First appearance)
    • Anu Who Walks Behind (First appearance)
    • Boltorn the Wicked (First appearance)
    • Bolverker the Raider (First appearance)
    • Daturav (First appearance)
    • Death-of-Man (First appearance)
    • Edain the Undeclained (First appearance)
    • Foxglove (First appearance)
    • Gjorm Shieldfather (First appearance)
    • Gloamer (First appearance)
    • Guardian Duskbreaker (First appearance)
    • Guardian Mordant (First appearance)
    • Guardian Pestiferous (First appearance)
    • Guardian Soulseer (First appearance)
    • Heart of the Mountain (First appearance)
    • Hemlock (First appearance)
    • Ingolf the Wanderer (First appearance)
    • Iral Tepta (First appearance)
    • Isto the Eater-of-Children (First appearance)
    • Kol Bane (First appearance)
    • Lassi Left-Behind (First appearance)
    • Markuu Litle Toe Bane (First appearance)
    • Mikael Ravenkin (First appearance)
    • Narcissus (First appearance)
    • Nighteater (First appearance)
    • Onni One-Eye (First appearance)
    • Ospak Flesheater (First appearance)
    • Paavo Heartseeker (First appearance)
    • Saehrimnir the Golden (First appearance)
    • Scourgeworm (First appearance)
    • Sigvat Hellsborn (First appearance)
    • Sivrath (First appearance)
    • Skeggi the Blackheart (First appearance)
    • Snakeroot (First appearance)
    • Outcast (First appearance)
    • Unspeakable (First appearance)
    • Vidurr the Horror (First appearance)
    • Xaudron the Vile (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed Dark Elves
  • Frost Giants (First appearance)
    • Bragi the Bold (First appearance)
    • Brede Horse-Eater (First appearance)
    • Erland Blueface (First appearance)
    • Snorri Sorensen (First appearance)
    • Thorgrim Gladheart (First appearance)
    • Vali the Orange (First appearance)
  • Red Hydra (First appearance)
    • Red Skull / Red Onslaught (Johann Shmidt) (First appearance)
    • Commander Dave
    • Commander Ira
    • Numerous unnamed members
  • Fire Demons
    • Surtur (First appearance)
    • Lady Hellfire
    • Lord Brimstone
    • Ash, Sister of Magma
    • Cinder, Sister of Magma
    • Ember, Sister of Magma
    • Anglaugur Skulleater
    • Einvarr of the Hallows
    • Njordlaugur Nightaim
    • Red Hjalmrun
  • Ultron (First appearance)
  • Batroc (First appearance)
  • Kraven the Hunter (First appearance)
  • Man-Ape (M'Baku) (First appearance)
  • Maggia (First appearance)
    • Joey Aces
    • Lucky Leo Olebe
    • Big Mike the Bender
    • Bonetti the Gangster
    • Boss Hovey
    • Boss Napolitano
    • Boss Sabalvaro
    • Boss Schipano
    • Crazy Eddie
    • Eddie Leadbelly
    • Falcon the Thug
    • Lucky Louie
    • Mr. Asencio
    • Slightly Bad Sal
    • Spingola the Goon
  • Numerous Gangs and Mercenaries
    • Bill the Burner
    • Bordenia One-Eye
    • Boss Murillo
    • Bulletproof Robben
    • Callous Cormac
    • Che Luck
    • Elroy Five Fingers
    • Flash-Bang Bridget
    • Freaky Fenton
    • Gangleader Dario
    • Gangleader Leon
    • Gangleader Rodericka
    • Garrick the Weasel
    • No-Good Alex Williams
    • Petrizzo the Underboss
    • Simon the Crook
    • The BAUCE
    • The Butcher
    • Meticulous Mosher
    • The Baker
    • The Candlestick Maker
    • The Infamous Canada Mike
    • Thrill-Kill Karin
  • Hammerhead's gang
    • Boss Nicky Dietrich
    • The Talented Mister Geiger
    • Tiny Mike
  • Ice Golems
    • Brinewallow
    • Death-By-Frosty
    • Doomberg the Mighty
    • Firebane
    • Frostcaller
    • Hailspawn the Horrid
    • Jack-of-Pales
    • Jarl Fogfist
    • Jarl Gloomhollow
    • Jarl of the East Frost
    • Jarl of the West Frost
    • Jarl Smotherfist
    • Killer Snowball
    • Mittens the Death-Dealer
    • Mr. Coldbody
    • Shatterspine the Coldbringer
    • Sir Scourge the Frigid
    • Smothersteam
    • Snowflake from Hell
    • The Abominable Mr. Pummels
    • fThe Chill-King of Sparkle Keep
    • The Dreaded Devillanche
  • Kronans
  • Lava Men
    • Beast of Grotesk
    • Beast of Ingar
    • Pyrotaur
    • Szisnak the Torcher
  • Lizard Hybrids
    • Bittey
    • Caesar
    • Carporal Cuddles
    • Geoffrey
    • Irwin
    • Jerbert
    • King Kahuna
    • Mister Bananas
    • Quint
    • Sir Snores-A-Lot
    • Ursula
  • Mutants on Mutant Growth Hormone
    • Big John
    • James the Ur-Man
    • Junkyard the Enraged Mutant
    • Kong
    • Lonely Trevor
    • Mikey the Slinker
    • Ming the Mightier
    • Rampage
    • Romeo
    • The Kahuna
    • The Mighty Lor
    • Tiny
    • Tromeo
    • Winston
  • "Mutates"
    • Chief Chatzass
    • Chief Taule
    • Gatherer Dulusfiss
    • Glug-Nug
    • Gorn the Biter
    • Spitter Kreewah
    • The Skin-Carver
    • Warrior Fusoom
  • N'astirh
  • N'Garai
    • Ad'Binn the Demon
    • D'Bolrik the Cairnlord
    • Var'gak the Demon
  • Rock Trolls
  • Serpent-Men
    • Arim R'Mell
    • Dark Lord K'Gari
    • Kullen Gar the Ritual Lord
    • Kythri the Thoughtcatcher
    • N'iss the Foul
    • Onassi the Vile
    • R'mam the Odious
    • S'rad the Brute
    • Sirron the Cruel
    • Vishrix the Mindbreaker
  • Skrulls
    • General Kl'rt
    • Captain Si'Rek
    • Captain Vyrik
    • Captain Xutal
    • Captain Xyrix
    • Captain Zavira
    • Eclipse Squad Commander Bichinsky
    • Ravager Squad Commander Elliot
    • Skrull Technician Revak
    • Skrull Cows
      • All-Father Brevik
    • Skrull Imposters
      • Skrull Captain America
      • Skrull Cyclops
      • Skrull Elektra
      • Skrull Iron Fist
      • Skrull Luke Cage
      • Skrull Ms Marvel
      • Skrull Nick Fury
      • Skrull Psylocke
      • Skrull Punisher
      • Skrull Thor
      • Skrull X-23
  • Tribesmen
    • Groop the Beastkeeper
  • Thanos
  • Black Order
  • Ebony Maw

Other Characters:

Team-Up Characters:

Races and Species:





Doctor Doom has obtained the Cosmic Cube and is now trying to take over the world.


  • Announced to be launched in June 4, 2013 in Marvel Comic's official site.[1]


  • Marvel Entertainment's first online game would've been a game called "Marvel Universe Online," which was cancelled for unknown reasons.
  • The cover art for the game under the label of "Marvel Heroes 2015" is based off a variant cover to Avengers World #1 by Arthur Adams.
  • Due to Disney ending its involvement with game developer/publisher Gazillion Entertainment, the game's servers were shut down on November 27 2017.[2]


See Also

Links and References


External links[]
