Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


A synthetic material created/discovered by the famous scientist Reed Richards, which can be altered easily and adapt to a certain environment, allowing them to be incredibly resilient to drastic changes in heat, cold, pressure, density, dirt, etc. making them ideal for use as superhero costumes.[2]


Unstable Molecules are configuration of unknown atomic nuclei and electrons discovered or synthesized by Reed Richards, which is responsive to certain energized matter around it. Used in the making of clothing for the Fantastic Four and certain other superhuman beings, unstable molecular cloth mimics its wearer's physical properties. It can turn invisible like The Invisible Woman, stretch like Mister Fantastic[2] and burst into flame without burning like the Human Torch.[3] Clothing made from unstable molecules is fireproof regardless of whether the wearer uses fire powers.[4][5]

They exist on the Angstrom edge between matter and energy and can interchange between either. These can be bonded to "Anchor" molecules and transfer any change in environment they experience to these anchor molecules. They will revert to normal when the environment does so.[6]

The costumes made of third generation unstable molecules were designed with default patterns which could be modified by concentrating. For example, Spider-Man was able change his costume's coloring and markings, allowing him to modify his Future outfit, or to switch between it and his regular outfit.[7]

The unstable molecules can also be altered to create an unhackable and indestructible data storage unit, such as the Omegadrive.[8]


  • Despite being invented by Reed Richards, Unstable Molecules did appear quite a lot in early Marvel comics, often as a quick science explanation. One of the earliest documented appearances outside the Fantastic Four is in Tales to Astonish #35, published in September of 1962.

See Also

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