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Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Family That Slays Together..."

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • NYPD
  • Mouton (a tough Cajun street snitch)

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "The Family That Slays Together..."

As Marc and Marlene return home, Randall Spector bombs the mansion. Moon Knight runs into the fiery building to rescue Frenchie. Returning outside, he finds Marlene unconscious and holding Randall's mask. Marc's car has been taken by her attacker.

Elsewhere, Princess Nepthys meets with members of the Cult of Khonshu and Randall.

In another part of the city, the Punisher interrogates Packard about a shipment of AIM weapons. Packard tells him they were purchased by the Cult of Khonshu. Outside a police station, Moon Knight questions an informant and learns the location of his stolen car. Immediately afterwards, the Punisher asks the informant for the location of the Cult.

Arriving at their building, Marc fights multiple Knights of the Moon. Nepthys and Randall confront him, revealing that the previous Hatchet-Man was an imposter. The Punisher crashes in before they can explain more.

See Also

Links and References

