Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Xavier warned that my war against humanity would consume me. He never fully understood the truth of it. The conflict gave me purpose... but it also fed a deeper compulsion... one as bottomless as my need to protect my people. Perhaps I never recognized it myself. Here... at the end... I see it clearly... the awful powers that have guided my hand. Anger. Hatred. Fear. These forces... more than any other... have fueled me... defined who I am... and carved out the legacy I will leave behind. (...) I let my own fury drown out the voices of the people I swore to defend. Mutants have been burdened... scarred by my actions. My war will not consume me... For there is nothing left to be consumed. Quote2
Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr)

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• With the Earth on the verge of destruction, the Master of Magnetism is determined to be mutantkind’s savior once more...

• But at what cost?


See Also

Links and References

