Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 To live among the stars... To rule jungle kingdoms... To guide entire nations... Only to find oneself here. A self-loathing man might see this as deserved punishment. A vain man might compare this to the Christian Devil's fall from heaven. Me... I think the coffee's not terrible. I have been known by many names. Max Eisenhardt. Erik Lehnsherr. Magnus. Magneto. Each name marks its own sin. And one day I'll answer for those offenses. But not today. Only my actions... What I do in the name of all mutants... Hold any real meaning. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Deena (a housekeeper)


Other Characters:



Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Once the deadliest, most feared mutant mastermind on the planet, MAGNETO is no longer the man he once was. After falling in with Cyclops and the X-Men, Erik Lehnsherr became just one more pawn in another man’s war. But now, determined to fight the war for mutantkind’s survival on his own terms, Magneto sets out to regain what he’s lost…and show the world exactly why it should tremble at the sound of his name. Magneto will safeguard the future of the mutant race by hunting down each and every threat that would see his kind extinguished—and bloody his hands that they may never be a threat again.


See Also

Links and References

