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Quote1 Good. Then let's go dig this bastard out of whatever hole he's hiding in... and throw him in ours. Quote2
Red Queen

Appearing in "Part 9: The X Lives of Moira VI"

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Synopsis for "Part 9: The X Lives of Moira VI"

With the war against the Eternals concluded, the Quiet Council convenes for a meeting. Despite the hardships endured during the war, Krakoa has survived and remains strong, with the Quiet Council united. Just as Kate Pryde muses that despite their differences, the Quiet Council might work after all, Mr. Sinister walks in. As he casually enters the chamber, Destiny warns Exodus that Sinister is about to kill Hope. Exodus instantly kills him, as Sinister calls Irene a spoilsport.

Sometime earlier, Destiny had visited Sinister, asking why he was so glum, despite them having come through the Eternal war unscathed, and despite the fact that the two of them had successfully worked together. Sinister asks Irene whether the Progenitor judged her. When Destiny answers that it did, Sinister tells her that it did not come for him. Irene reassures him that he is a monster and she will always be there to judge him, encouraging him not to give up, but also wondering aloud whether Doctor Stasis was judged.

Disturbed by the Stasis situation, Sinister prepares to kill his Moira clone and reset the timeline to before Magneto left the Quiet Council, perhaps even further back. He suddenly remembers Destiny telling him not to give up and decides he would rather not go through Judgment Day again and decides to attempt to move his plan into stage two. He creates two new Moira clones, examining her genome in the process. He learns that repeated cloning is causing genetic damage, limiting his ability to repeatedly clone Moira. This means he has 10 attempts to murder the Quiet Council. Departing on his first attempt, he is instantly detected by Destiny, who warns Exodus, who kills Sinister.

As Sinister dies, the timeline resets, and he tries again. This time, he plants a bomb derived from Boom-Boom's genome. The council chambers are destroyed, but Destiny had warned the council beforehand and told them where to find him. Sinister was again instantly killed by Exodus.

On his third attempt, he was again detected beforehand by Destiny, who had Mystique grab him before he could kill her and then Hope. Hope tapped into Exodus' powers and killed him. Sinister realizes that if he avoids direct confrontation entirely, then Destiny will save everyone. If he targets her specifically, she will stop him before the plan can be put into motion. This forces him to target someone else, delaying Destiny's ability to predict his intentions.

For his fourth attempt, Sinister entered the chambers in battle armor but was fried by Hope using Storm's powers. His fifth attempt featured a more elaborate battle armor and massive gun, but ended with him fried by Storm. For his sixth attempt he created an even more elaborate armor and an even bigger gun, which immediately malfunctioned, prompting a frustrated Sinister to kill himself.

On his seventh attempt, he used a sniper rifle and managed to hit Emma and Hope before Destiny could warn them. Exodus found him, by which point an increasingly frustrated Sinister had committed suicide again. On his eighth attempt he planted a telepathic trap in his mind and asked the telepaths to read his mind and determine his innocence for Doctor Stasis' actions. The trap instantly killed Professor X, but Emma shifts to diamond form and kills him. For his ninth attempt, Sinister transformed himself into a giant, laser-shooting squid. He manages to kill half the council, but Mystique saves herself and Destiny, Kitty Pryde escapes and Exodus teleports himself and Hope away. A frustrated Sinister proceeded to implode.

Now on his final attempt, Sinister revises his initial assessment of the danger of each council member and reaches a new realization; he needs to kill Hope and three or more of the other council members for his plans to succeed. He approaches the chamber with a psychic imprint he claims will clear his name, asking the telepaths (and provoking Hope to join them) to read his mind. When they establish a connection, he reveals that the imprint is a cluster of Xavier brains he has turned into a psychic bomb. The detonation stuns the telepaths and orders Exodus and Hope to produce a telekinetic pulse, which instantly kills Xavier and Emma. With Exodus and Hope still immobilized, Sinister kills them as well before fleeing.

Shocked but angry, the surviving council members begin the search for Sinister.

Solicit Synopsis


Putting the "Meat" in office meeting. Trust me, bad spelling is the least of the Quiet Council's problems as everything hits the fan.

See Also

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