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Death's Head (Styrakos) from Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 17 001
Death's Head
Quote1 I remember! Our deal was that you were supposed to send me home. You reneged. Bad business. Should kill you now, yes? Quote2
Reed RichardsQuote1 You admitted as you were leaving you were a killer. Quote2
Death's Head (Styrakos) from Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 17 001
Death's Head
Quote1 It's all point of view. I prefer title of Freelance Peacekeeping Agent. But let bygones be bygones. You aren't of this time either. Why--? Quote2

Appearing in "Kangs for the Memories!!! Or Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!"

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Synopsis for "Kangs for the Memories!!! Or Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!"

The Fantastic Four, Thor, Iron Man and the FF's [[|Time-Sled|time sled]] are all trapped within a swirling quantum vortex some twenty years into Earth's future. Johnny Storm has passed out and it is taking all of Reed's piloting skills to keep the time sled in one piece. As the time sled passes through the perimeter of the time bubble, its occupants are unaware of the presence of three Kangs who have been trapped there for endless hours and are now able to use their armor to match the time sled's course and speed so they can enter its slipstream and escape from the perimeter. Their enemies, Kang Nebula and Doctor Druid, arrive too late to use the same method to escape so Nebula commands Druid to use his powers to send her mind into the vessel that has already been prepared. Once Druid complies, Johnny cries out and begins convulsing.

They finally pierce the distortion wave and solidify inside the time bubble. Johnny is conscious again and reassures his sister that he's fine. The group discovers that time is moving at such an extremely slow rate of speed that the entire futuristic city appears frozen. A probability field (powered by the Rad-D unit in the present) keeps the time sled outside of the distortion zone. Reed's chrono-scanner detects that the source of the source of the time bubble is an unbelievable warp in time and space that is out beyond the Andromeda Galaxy.

Seconds later, the explorers discover that they are not the only time strangers here. The 82nd century bounty hunter known as Death's Head has arrived in this era as well. A group called the Time Variance Authority had hired Death's Head to travel to this era and determine why the time bubble had not collapsed upon itself as expected. Death's Head roars up in his sky cycle and the FF and he trade shots before settling down to learn of each other's mission. As Death's Head prepares to resume his attack on the humans, believing that they are the difficulty he was sent to neutralize, Kang the Conqueror arrives and tries to destroy the time sled's probability field generator that is keeping it and its passengers out of the distortion effect. Kang easily survives Iron Man's blast but his armor's circuitry is then shorted out by Death's Head's own weapon from the future. Conceding that the presence of a Kang could mean that Dr. Richards and his group are not responsible, Death's Head removes the Kang's mask, revealing that he is a reptilian alien and is not the same Kang that has plagued the Avengers for so many years. When Death's Head begins to question him, the Kang initially refuses to cooperate until Death's Head quietly explains that, as a mechanoid, he would have no problem with ripping out the Kang's eyes with his nice sharp teeth and then feeding them to him, one at a time. The terrified Kang then reveals that the Council thinks that a renegade Celestial is supposedly making a terrible but unknown weapon at the heart of the time bubble. Death's Head then disables the Kang's armor, leaving him powerless and thus trapped. When Johnny suggests that they should kill the Kang because of the potential danger he poses, Reed is shocked to hear him declare such a thing and points out that, without power, the Kang is now a prisoner of the local time and harmless.

With Death's Head stating that he will accompany them until he can learn who is responsible for the time bubble's continuation, Thor spins his mystic hammer, Mjolnir, and teleports the entire group to the location of the great anomaly that Reed had detected earlier.

Upon arrival, the group finds themselves facing a megastructure, an artificial construct the size of a galaxy that is drawing the entire universe into its core. Iron Man reports that his armor's internal readings indicate that there is a spectacular gravity well within the central artifact. The FF and Death's Head venture into the metal canyons of the station, believing that the probability fields surrounding the time sled and Death's Head's sky cycle will keep them from falling deeper into the core of the station, at least long enough for a quick pass.

Without warning, the group is attacked by the two other Kangs and the heroes fight back with fist, flame and hammer. When one of the Kangs is defeated, the other one realizes that Death's Head must be responsible and blasts his sky cycle's probability generator, sending him back to his own future time. The Human Torch takes advantage of the fact that this Kang's shield is down while firing on Death's head and unleashes the full power of one of his nova blasts upon that Kang, incinerating him. Reed is shocked by this but Johnny merely turns his attention to the other Kang. However, this Kang has realized that the Human Torch is under the control of his enemy, Kang Nebula, and breaks free, narrowly avoiding the Torch's flame blast by diving off the time sled and into the core of the machine. As the Kang declares that he would rather take his chances with the weapon, the Human Torch is enraged at the possibility of the Kang reaching the weapon first and flies after him. Knowing that Johnny will die if he flies beyond the probability envelope around the time sled, the FF try to follow him. As they all enter the core, everyone sees that the weapon is actually a black hole the size of a star, something that the Kangs could never have controlled. This Kang dies when he crosses the event horizon and enters the black hole. The FF notice that there are mechanisms surrounding the black hole , indicating that it is being created and maintained artificially. When Johnny begins screaming hysterically, Susan spots what he's looking at and reveals to the others that an enormous Galactus has been there the whole time and that he is the one using the black hole to devour the entire universe! Since they don't have enough power to counterbalance the gravity well, the FF is now being pulled in by the black hole!


Continuity Notes[]

  • The Time Bubble, according to Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four, is designated in the future of Earth-8810. In this story Reed states that the Time Bubble exists between the years 2005 and 2020. Per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616 this should be considered a topical reference. As the Sliding Timescale moves forward, then the dates that the Time Bubble exists should change and should be generalized in the context of this story. The Time Bubble exists 15 years in the future relative to this story [1]. This story was published in 1990, thus 15 years from that perspective is the year 2005. 1990 falls under "Year Eight" of Marvel time. Per the rules of the Sliding Timescale, new comics are considered to have been published 2016 are part of "Year Fourteen". New comics are also considered as happening "today". That said, in the year 2016 this story took place in 2010 per the Sliding Timescale. Based on that calculation the Time Bubble would exist 15 years from 2010 in the year 2025. When Marvel time rolls over into "Year Fifteen" in 2018, this story would have taken place in 2011 and the Time Bubble will in turn exist in the year 2026.
  • The woman in the blue skin is "Kang Nebula" who was last seen in Avengers #297 where she and Dr. Druid got caught in the Time Bubble. She is not who she seems to be...:
    • In Avengers #291 when she joined the Council of Cross-Time Kangs, she claimed to be the space pirate known as Nebula.
    • In reality she is actually Kang's lover Ravonna who was put in a death like coma in Avengers #24. She was later revived by the Grandmaster, as seen in Avengers Annual #21, after Kang gave up the power to save her life to instead try to destroy the Avengers (as seen in Avengers #71). When the Grandmaster revealed the truth, Ravonna decided to get revenge against her lover, developing the Nebula cover to infiltrate the Cross-Time Kangs and get her revenge.
  • "Nebula," Dr. Druid, and the two of the three Cross-Time Kangs were all last seen in Avengers #297 when they were trapped in the Time-Bubble. The third of the three Kangs from that issue later appeared in Avengers #300. Following his appearance here, Dr. Druid is next seen in Avengers Spotlight #37 when he gets free of the Time Bubble.
  • Kang-123488.23497 is a divergent version of the original Kang. His appearance here is mired in some temporal confusion that is not fully explained here. The details:
    • As revealed in Avengers #267269, every time Kang traveled through time he created a divergent version of himself. During these issues the "Prime" Kang began culling his counterparts until only he existed. He was later driven mad by his future self Immortus and sent out into temporal Limbo.
    • As revealed in Avengers: Forever #9 Kang killed himself which triggered a device that transferred his mind into a new body in his native 40th Century and left a divergent self behind in the past (the Kang who appear in this story, who joined the Council of Cross-Time Kangs).
    • During the time of this story, there are two version of Kangs active in the modern era. The Kang featured in this story was later identified as the Diverged Kang (or Kang-123488.23497) in Avengers: Forever #9 (The one who became a member of the Council and was last seen in Avengers #300). The other is the "Prime Kang", who was observing everything from shadow, as seen in Avengers: Forever #9
    • Presumably, per Avengers: Forever #9, when Kang-123488.23497 dies here his memories are transferred to his "Prime" counterpart.
  • The Fantastic Four previously met Death's Head back in Death's Head #9. They made a deal with him, which was to send him home back to his time. However, they realized too late that he's a cold-blooded killer, and Reed tried to stop the teleport, resulting in Death's Head getting transported to Earth-8410, which explains the animosity between him and the Four here.
  • The Time Variance Authority hired Death's Head to do his job. Reed states here that he has never heard of that organization. They first appeared in Thor #371372.
  • Kang Mesozoic-24 mentions how the Council of Cross-Time Kangs is seeking what they believe to be a Celestial weapon hidden within the Time Bubble. They were attempting to accomplish that feat in Avengers #296297.

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  1. The year of publication was 1990 - 2005 = 15 years