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Quote1 Blind foolzzz! You choze thiszzz over me! Over uszzzz! One day, Shathra will show you! Me and my little onezzz! Whole worldzzz of waspzzz! Stinging every spider! Growing in their bellieszzz! Devouring them from within! Bursting out! Rebuilding all the universezzz in my image! The hive of Shathra! My Great Nest! Quote2

Appearing in "Gig of Nightmares"

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Synopsis for "Gig of Nightmares"

On Earth-65, Gwen is late to play with the Mary Janes, but has to again be Ghost-Spider when her father, George Stacy P.I., informs her that Mysterio is about to crash the battle of the bands. Anticipating the party crash, Gwen and the others play like normal until Mysterio clouds the stadium with green fog and forces the audience to see horrifying illusions. Equipped with a gas mask her dad supplied her, Gwen finds and takes down Mysterio as she decries his repetitive efforts for naught. As Gwen was sad that the Mary Janes didn't get their big break, they were thrilled when Lila Cheney praised their performance and invited them to play on stage together. Gwen and the Mary Janes head out with Lila afterwards, but Gwen is sharply stung by a wasp which courses a dark venom into her person.

Appearing in "The Spider and the Dragon"

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Synopsis for "The Spider and the Dragon"

In London on Earth-834, London Mayor Sweeney unveils an in development green transportation line, to which Daily Muckraker reporter Daisy Burdock asks if he rushed opening for profits over safety, and he denies it as gossip. In the tunnel, two developers come upon a Terra-Cotta statues before finding a Dragon eye, all while Mayor Sweeney continues his interview assuring that public safety is not in danger. In South London, Zarina Zahari plays games with her roommate Zooey to pass the last hour she has on Ramadan fasting. When Zooey asks to try on her earrings, Zarina refuses as they keep her bio-electricity charges stable, but rushes out as Spider-UK to stop the dragon-- technically a Wyvern-- on the loose.

Calling her boss Brigadier Alysande Stuart at the W.H.O., Zarina is ordered to rest with her last hour of Ramadan, but moves in seeing the dragon spew goo that mutates civilians into dragonoids. In her leather jacket's extra-dimensional pockets, Spider-UK pulls a sample study kit in preparation for an antidote, but her initial attempts to capture the dragon fail and she retreats into the sewers. Underground, Alistaire Stuart compliments her "sample" from the dragon's spew and finds the sample is a prehistoric mutagen. Thankfully, his gene editing technology has developed a counteragent and integrated it into tranq dart shooters. But in a rematch, the Wyvern gets the advantage overwhelming Spider-UK's organic webbing and flies with her as a straggler, so Spider-UK pulls her earrings to overcharge her bio-electricity and falls with style safely.

Met by the Brigadier, the antidote was made into a gaseous agent but with too many mutated dragonoids hounding them, Spider-UK discharges all her stored energy to stun them and let the cure take hold, reverting them back to human. With the victims saved, Galahad Squadron opens fire and captures the dragon with the tranquilizer agent, to be turned over to SHIELD as they called dibs first on the monster. With Ramadan FINALLY over, Zarina can now eat the Medjool Dates she had been saving only for Madame Web to appear and warn her of a multiversal threat coming for the spiders. While Zarina agrees, she wants to get a falafel before they leave.

Appearing in "A Single Thread"

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Synopsis for "A Single Thread"

As Spiderling, Annie-May Parker continues her efforts of repairing the Great Web on Loomworld (Earth-001) before heading home to cram for her A.P. Physics final, adhering to her parents' teachings on great responsibility and not using the web to force an outcome with an A grade. Coming upon a primal strand, among the first woven at the start of the Spider-Verse, Annie sees the ancient past of Earth-001 with the Gods of Earth where a young girl with the spider emblem is the focus. She is Neith and she goes to her elder sister, Shathra, to play with out of boredom but Shathra dismisses her in needing to focus. When Neith inquires as to her assignment, Shathra explains that Mother Oshtur and Mother Gaea have tasked her to create a celestial map for the destiny of humanity by creating a cosmic construct representation, and Shathra wants nothing but perfection in its design. While Neith notes Shathra's hard work, the elder sister presents her Great Nest with a honeycomb structure so every individual soul may evolve in solitude until they are ready to become one with the hive.

However, Neith calls out Shathra's problem that the elder sister is overthinking her design, so Shathra invites Neith to try it herself. Using her Divine Web-Shooters, Neith creates a web from golden thread as Shathra calls what she does chaos, to which the younger goddess denotes such is the point. By permitting every life to have their own thread and create their own choices, they then weave back into each other, permitting free will and an ever evolving web. Oshtur and Gaea greet Shathra to see how her project is coming along, to which she states it isn't ready yet, and the two goddess mothers promise not to pass judgement-- with Neith noting the irony under her breath. Noting her attempt with the Great Nest, Shathra explains she's been pushing herself and the two divine mothers relieve her of the task. But seeing Neith have fun with it, they invite her to continue the task of mapping humanity's destiny and Neith agrees after Shathra states she is comfortable letting her take over. Shatha walks away muttering how the task may have consumed her, her clothing starts to blacken like ink.

The gods later convene to be presented Neith's efforts, locating the Great Web at the center point of the universe, with new creatures Neith dubs "Spiders" helping her work continue as they are the only ones who can travel every strand and mend broken ones. As Oshtur notes the Spiders do all the work, Neith confirms such as she wanted to go play, and Gaea allows her daughter do so considering the work well met. However, Shathra's resentment finally consumes her and waits for everyone to leave so that she can be alone with Neith's construct, her metamorphosis complete into the dark wasp figure of her present self. Enraged the gods chose the web over her nest, Shathra pledges to one day create whole worlds of wasp which will sting spiders and use them as parasitic hosts for their eggs to consume from within. With the aim to "rebuild" all universes in her image, The Hive of Shathra, the dark goddess hides an imperfection within the first strand: a trap to summon her to the first spider to find the strand. Annie is frightened and finds it is too late to run as Shathra appears behind her. Recognizing that Annie is one of Peter's brood, she will no longer be so as Shathra infects Annie with her wasp venom, forcefully and painfully mutating her into Shathra's Nestling now.

Appearing in "Mini Marvels"

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Synopsis for "Mini Marvels"

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) wants to enjoy a basketball game with Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Spider-Gwen while not wanting to have to deal with another multiversal disaster when Spider-UK (Billy Braddock) shows up. Seeing they're not up for the latest multiverse event, he asks if they know about the Wasps, much to their group surprise, and Billy is stung by one of the very wasps he meant. Explaining Shathra's goal to kill Spiders across the multiverse, he soon falls to the parasitic venom and becomes their enemy. But Spider-UK (Zarina Zahari) arrives and kicks the other Spider-UK back through the portal before anything is done. Introducing herself and trying to elaborate the multiversal situation, Peter loudly interrupts having already known about the multiverse and leaves in a huff. Zarina apologizes for upsetting Peter, but Miles clarifies that he's more upset with the situation and not her.

Solicit Synopsis

In this issue: Spider-Gwen! The New Spider-UK! Mini-Spidey!

And get to know your antagonist for this huge story!

See Also

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