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Marvel Database

Quote1 Please, Al, a little warning next time... Some of us aren't blind y'know? Quote2
Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

Appearing in "With Great Power Comes Great Coincidence"

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Synopsis for "With Great Power Comes Great Coincidence"

The Watcher observed as Deadpool and Blind Al got lost in time and accidentally knocked May Parker unconscious as they landed outside of her house. He attempted to teleport back to the Hellhouse, only to find that it had been replaced by Sister Margaret's Home for Wayward Girls before he returned to Al, who deduced that they were in the past. When Anna Watson knocked on May's door, Deadpool used an Image Inducer to impersonate Peter, while Al impersonated Aunt May in order to avoid altering the timeline.

Meanwhile, Weasel and the Lightning Rods became acquainted with each other before traveling back in time to find Deadpool and Blind Al. They gave Deadpool instructions, including activating his teleporter, although it was broken, so when he learned that Weasel went to college with Peter, he decided to cause a distraction for the real Peter, while impersonating him at Empire State University, so that he could get the younger Weasel to fix the teleporter. "Peter", Harry, Jack, MJ, and Gwen went to a party together before Kraven the Hunter attempted to take Harry. Kraven released Harry to fight Deadpool, but when Norman Osborn appeared, Kraven attempted to confront him over money, but realized that he didn't remember anything.

Afterwards, Deadpool told Norman that Jack had an addiction, leaving him not to get a job with him, and the real Peter Parker returned, while MJ, Flash, and Gwen thought that Deadpool was him earlier. Then, Deadpool had Jack drink alcohol for the first time before he got him to fix his teleporter. Next, he returned the real Aunt May to her home and returned to the present with her.


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