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Marvel Database

Quote1 So what do you say, boys...? Team up...? Quote2
Deadpool (Wade Wilson)

Appearing in "Freak Out"

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Synopsis for "Freak Out"

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Solicit Synopsis

Deadpool gets his freak on when he’s hired to bump off Ed McGrady -- a.k.a. “Lobster Boy” -- the mayor of Freaksville, USA. But things get a little bit complicated when one of the Fallen decides to take over the town and, quite possibly, the rest of the world. Luckily for Deadpool, the Ghost Riders, Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch, just happen to be in town too. It’s the end of the world as we know it...unless the Merc with a Mouth can play nice with the Spirits of Vengeance and send this demon back to hell in a hand basket. Which is harder than it might seem...

See Also

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