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Quote1 Wow. Oh, wow! I thought there was something different about you, Kurt... but I never imagined, I never dreamed-- fantastic! Quote2
Daniel Cameron

Appearing in "Like a Phoenix, from the Ashes"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Men #101

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Synopsis for "Like a Phoenix, from the Ashes"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Men #101

Jean Grey is at the helm of the space shuttle transporting the X-Men back to Earth in the midst of a solar flare with lethal amounts of radiation. She attempts to make an emergency landing at JFK Airport. But the out-of-control spacecraft skids off the runway and crashes into Jamaica Bay, practically disintegrating into pieces. The X-Men and Peter Corbeau all rise to the surface and Scott immediately begins looking for signs of Jean. Everyone is shocked, however, when Jean suddenly flies out of the water in a new costume, proclaiming herself to be power incarnate and calling herself “Phoenix.” But no sooner does she majestically rise into the air, she faints and plunges back into the water below her. Cyclops pulls Jean to shore. Everyone tries to make themselves as inconspicuous as possible before the authorities arrive on the scene. It’s unnecessary, however, as the Professor uses his mental powers to erase everyone’s minds so that no-one recalls the X-Men being there.

Sometime later, Wolverine admits to himself that he has feelings for Jean and purchases flowers to bring to her in the hospital. When he arrives, however, he surreptitiously discards them before the other X-Men (whom he's surprised to find in the waiting room) can see. As the group awaits news of Jean, Scott fears the worst, wondering what he will do if she doesn't pull through. His fears are allayed though when Jean's doctors enter the room and inform them that she will make a full recovery. The news elates the X-Men, none more so than Scott, who slips away to an unoccupied room and privately breaks down in tears.

Professor X decides that the X-Men have earned a much-needed vacation (despite Wolverine's protests to the contrary). Sean then pipes up with just a suggestion: He has received a letter from Ireland from his solicitor, Mr. Flaherty, who has informed Sean that he’s inherited the Cassidy ancestral home. Sean invites the team to visit it with him. The Professor thinks this a great idea, so Sean, Kurt, Peter, Ororo, and Wolverine travel to Sean's new castle, Cassidy Keep. (Cyclops remains behind to be near Jean.)

Arriving in Ireland, the X-Men are unaware that they are being watched by Sean's evil cousin, Black Tom, who is also a mutant. He tells the groundskeeper, Eamon O'Donnell, to prepare “cousin Sean” and his friends for the trap he has set for them. When Eamon refuses, Tom reminds him that he has hostages he won’t hesitate to kill if he dares defy him. Eamon has no choice but to comply.

Reluctantly, Eamon welcomes the X-Men are welcomed into the Keep and are escorts them to their rooms. Nobody is aware that small creatures watch them from the shadows. Sometime later, just as they are all heading down to the dining hall for dinner, a trap door opens beneath them. They fall into an enclosed chamber before Black Tom and his partner, the Juggernaut. Before anyone can react, Storm suddenly breaks down in a panic and screams, having succumbed to a crippling bout of claustrophobia.

Appearing in "The Gift"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Daniel Cameron (Ghost, soul or spirit) (First appearance)

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Synopsis for "The Gift"

The X-Men are waiting in the hospital to hear of news about their teammate, Jean Grey. Nightcrawler wants to do more than wait and teleports off into the city. He comes across a young boy (Daniel Cameron) outside in the cold and as they strike up a conversation Nightcrawler uses his image inducer to hide his true form. They are stopped by a security guard who tells them to leave the plaza because its closed, so they go for a bite to eat. Nightcrawler is concerned for the boy's well being and wonders if he has a sick friend in the hospital as he does. He eventually convinces the boy that he should go home and they walk the streets, cutting through Central Park. Nightcrawler teleports and cuts him off, alarming the boy to his speed. Nightcrawler then teaches the boy how to juggle and they bond until dawn. He walks him to his doorstep, and considering him his friend, shows him his true form, as a blue faced mutant. The boy accepts him and tells him that his lady friend in the hospital will be just fine. Nightcrawler returns to the hospital later and asks a nurse where his new friend was. He is told that he just died of cancer, meaning he met his ghost and helped it move on.


  • This issue includes a frontispiece featuring the Phoenix:
  • Added material:
    • Another example of Storm being Jean's closest friend on the team other than Scott, expanding on the characterization in X-Men #100 that Classic X-Men #2 explains
    • Storm being the first to sense that Phoenix is not just Jean with new powers
    • An explanation of why the X-Men would send a badly injured Jean with mysterious new powers to an ordinary hospital
    • Phoenix transforms her costume to ordinary clothing, while three issues earlier (X-Men #98 and Classic X-Men #6) Jean could not use her telekinetic ability to tear her dress. Both her new powers—far beyond Jean's potential—and the fact that Phoenix is unconscious, mystify the X-Men.

See Also

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