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Marvel Database

Quote1 I will spit my defiance at you -- with my last breath! Quote2

Appearing in "Answered Prayers Part 1: The Fallen"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Silver Surfer
  • Becca (First appearance); (Main story and flashback)


Other Characters:

  • Amanda "Mandy" Steinhardt (Only in flashback)
  • Phillip Steinhardt (Only in flashback)



Synopsis for "Answered Prayers Part 1: The Fallen"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

CHAOS WAR tie-in! In the midst of the epic battle raging through CHAOS WAR, Thor squares off against a foe who may be the most powerful he's ever faced - the alien god known only as Glory! This powerhouse has his sites set on helping Chaos King destroy all of reality - so what hope does a simple Thunder God have of stopping him? Comic book master J. M. DeMatteis (Amazing Spider-Man, "Kraven's Last Hunt") takes the reigns of a journey bringing Thor deep into the Chaos War - and beyond his breaking point.

See Also

Links and References

