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Marvel Database

Quote1 He was battling his way across an OTHER-DIMENSIONAL SKY, facing an enemy beyond comprehension. Not just ONE the creature that called itself GLORY was the embodiment of an ENTIRE PANTHEON of gods: vile, twisted, insanely violent. TEN THOUSAND entities...and the worlds they inhabited...all existed within it. Chaos's other servant-gods may have been COERCED into joining his cause--but Glory was there...because it WANTED to be. Quote2


Glory was an alien god which was comprised of numerous worlds inhabited by evil individuals. During the Chaos King's campaign to destroy all of existence, Glory was one of the few gods to join him on his own volition. As the Chaos King's army reached Earth, Glory went against the Asgardian God of Thunder Thor and the two battled. Despite Glory's immense power, Thor was able to destroy his body, momentarily defeating him.[1]

Glory was fractured into a swarm of monstrous aliens that fell on Earth, and upon regaining their mind began searching for Thor, who had been left weakened from the battle and reverted to Donald Blake. Tracking Thor to the home of Becca Steinhartd, the swarm reassembled into a monster that attacked both of them. Thor regained his powers, and mustered up all of his energy to disintegrate what was left of Glory.[2]


Glory was a proud and egotistical deity comprised of countless beings that were all evil monsters. Unlike most other gods that had been subjugated by the Chaos King, Glory willingly assisted him in destroying all of Creation as they shared the same goal of returning reality to a lifeless empty void.[1]



Being a deity that embodied an entire alien pantheon, Glory held great power. He was able to battle Thor, but it resulted in his body breaking into numerous aliens that were later killed again by Thor.[3]

See Also

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