Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Did you ever have one of those lives...? Quote2
Deadpool after being mocked by the B.A.D. Girls

Appearing in "Bosom Buddies, Part 1 of 4: B.A.D. to the Bone"

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Synopsis for "Bosom Buddies, Part 1 of 4: B.A.D. to the Bone"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Deadpool FINALLY gets hired for a job! There's a missing hard drive, and whoever gets it could very well own the world!

Naturally, our Merc With a Mouth is going to find it first, right? Well...only if he can outwit that superspy known as the CAT, and slide by the undulating charms of three gorgeous and deadly snake chicks--that's right--Black Mamba, Asp and Diamondback are back in business as the B.A.D. Girls!

And what's Cable doing during all of this...? Well, keeping an eye on Deadpool, since whoever owns the hard drive could very well own the world...


Legacy Numbering[]

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