Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Spider-Woman + Kitty Pryde"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Unnamed Meteorite


Synopsis for "Spider-Woman + Kitty Pryde"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Hawkeye + Deadpool"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Captain Barracuda's Submarine
  • Hawkeye's car

Synopsis for "Hawkeye + Deadpool"

Hawkeye and Deadpool are in a car, chatting, as they barrel through traffic, driving straight into Grand Central Station, then down into one of the subway tunnels. The pair of heroes narrowly miss getting hit by train, and instead jump their car into a cavernous room that juts off from the subway tunnel. Inside the room is a submarine being loaded with supplies, which Hawkeye and Deadpool have come to stop. The heroes continue to banter as they take out thugs dressed as pirates, and Deadpool even uses a bow with Trick Arrows that he made himself, including a type of arrow with a foam Hulk fist on the end that explodes after a number of seconds. The two heroes make their way down into the submarine, fight off more pirates, confront and defeat the leader of the crew, Captain Barracuda, in battle, and then rescue the hostage that the pirate crew was taking: A chef named Hector Herrera (whom the pirates wanted to cook for them on the submarine).

Later, Hawkeye takes his date out to dinner at Herrera's famous restaurant where Herrera serves them food as thanks for saving him. Hawkeye slyly looks over at an unmasked Deadpool in a sombrero eating chimichangas.

See Also

Links and References

