European Parliament Translation Service

European Parliament Translation Service

Traduction et localisation linguistique

Europe in your language: Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the European Parliament Translation Service!

À propos

The translation service (Directorate-General for Translation - DG TRAD) of the European Parliament produces translations of written documents in all 24 official EU languages, enabling communication with its citizens in their mother tongue. Our vision is about building bridges between different languages and cultures and promoting sustainable multilingualism as an essential component of the European democratic ideal. We are an efficient and modern service providing high-quality translations of legislation in all EU languages. By directly enabling Parliament to pursue its policy of multilingualism, we play an integral role in protecting the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Union and in facilitating transparency, understanding and the exchange of views. Make sure to follow us to keep up with our work, projects, events, and much more!

Site web
Traduction et localisation linguistique
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
Translation, Editing, Subtitling, Localisation, Transcreation, Proofreading, Audio & Video, Podcast production, Communication, Events, Text adaptation, Clear Language et Translation tools & IT


  • 📢 Multilingualism Day 2024 Student Competition - Winner announcement   We are happy to announce our winner for the #MultilingualismDay 2024 student competition: French student Manon Balla, thanks to her expressive poem, officially wins a weekend trip to attend Multilingualism Day 2024 in Brussels, on 28 September.   Special mention goes to María Velástegui, from Spain, who participated with a lively video, and to Barbara Brezina, from Croatia, who sent us an inspiring sci-fi short story. Both of them will be rewarded with a package full of goodies from the European Parliament.   A heartfelt thank you to all the participants for this edition. It was really difficult to pick one winner for the student competition but we hope to see you all at Multilingualism Day in September.   Learn more and have a peek of our program here 👉 #MultilingualismDay2024, #studentcompetition #Brussels 

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  • 📣 Tar ag obair linn mar phrofléitheoir - eagarthóir teanga Tá glao ar léiriú spéise do phrofléitheoirí - eagarthóirí teanga seolta ag seirbhís aistriúcháin Pharlaimint na hEorpa chun bunachar sonraí d’iarrthóirí a bhunú d’fholúntais amach anseo. Táimid ar thóir gairmithe teanga sna teangacha seo a leanas: Béarla, Bulgáiris, Danmhairgis, Fionlainnis, Fraincis, Gaeilge, Gearmáinis, Liotuáinis, Máltais, Ollainnis, Rómáinis agus Sualainnis. Tapaigh an deis oibriú linn agus cur leis an ilteangachas agus le daonlathas na hEorpa. Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil agus iarratas a chur isteach 👉 Dáta deiridh le haghaidh iarratas: an 30 Bealtaine 2025, 17.00 (am Lucsamburg)

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  • European Parliament Translation Service a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Cour de justice de l'Union européenne, visuel

    270 557  abonnés

    On 2nd July we had the great pleasure of welcoming 32 brilliant students from various Universities across the EU as part of the first edition of the "Multilingualism EU Summer School" organized by the Multilingualism Hub of Excellence in Luxembourg!   During their visit, these up-and-coming interpretation, translation, and legal professionals had the unique opportunity to:   ⚖️ Attend a Grand Chamber hearing ⚖️ Participate in two insightful presentations ⚖️ Work closely with experts from the Interpretation and Legal Translation Directorates ⚖️ Take a guided tour of the Court’s buildings   By the end, the students were feeling inspired and grateful for this enriching experience.   A huge thank you to everyone who made this event a success! 🌟 ---- Le 2 juillet, nous avons eu le grand plaisir d'accueillir à la Cour 32 étudiants très motivés de diverses universités de tous les États membres à l’occasion de la première édition du « Multilingualism EU Summer School » organisée par le Pôle d’excellence « Multilinguisme » au Luxembourg !   Lors de leur visite, ces futurs professionnels de l'interprétation, de la traduction juridique et du droit ont eu l'occasion unique de :   ⚖️ Assister à une audience de la Grande Chambre ⚖️ Suivre deux présentations très instructives ⚖️ Travailler en étroite collaboration avec des experts des directions de l'interprétation et de la traduction juridique ⚖️ Faire une visite guidée des bâtiments de la Cour   À la fin de leur visite, les étudiants se sont montrés enthousiastes et reconnaissants de cette expérience enrichissante.   Un immense merci à tous ceux qui ont fait de cet événement un succès ! 🌟   European Parliament Translation Service - European Commission - European Investment Bank (EIB) - European Court of Auditors - Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union - Publications Office of the European Union   #EU #ECJ #Multilingualism #Interpretation #LegalTranslation #CJUE

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  • On 14 June 1985, the Schengen Agreement was signed in the Luxembourg village of Schengen. To mark this important milestone, we bring you our interview with Antonio Argenziano from Italy, who talks with us about borders, solidarity and the future of Europe. His remarkable story is about borders and humanity; Antonio shares his experience of travelling across Europe and crossing many borders on a long journey to show solidarity and bring humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Let’s listen to his story! 📖 Listen to Antonio's story in 24 languages on the My House of European History website 👉 📨 Share your own story 👉

  • Clear and concise texts are easier to understand and streamline the translation process, which helps ensure consistency among the various target language versions. Today’s tip from our language professionals includes clear language alternatives in English, Danish, Lithuanian and Portuguese. Can you think of more examples in your own language(s)? Tell us in the comments! #clearlanguage #EuropeanParliament #translation #multilingualism

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour European Parliament Translation Service, visuel

    10 472  abonnés

    Today marks the Day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide. At the European Parliament’s translation service, we contribute to this commemoration with a moving story from Bosnia in all 24 official EU languages, as well as a dedicated podcast retracing the main stages of the massacre from a historical point of view. Ružica is seven years old, carefree, and spends her days playing with friends in her town in central Bosnia in the year 1992. One day, a single word shatters her world: ‘war’. It separates her from her best friends, brings fear and destruction, and drives her from her home. This is the story of a war-torn childhood and of ominous words learnt too early in life. 📖 Read her story in 24 languages on the My House of European History website 👉 In 2009, the European Parliament passed a resolution to commemorate and honour all the victims of the atrocities during the wars in the former Yugoslavia. Parliament expressed solidarity with their families, many of whom still lack confirmation of their relatives' fates. It recognised 11 July as a day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide. Parliament also highlighted the importance of reconciliation as part of the European integration process. 🎧 Listen to the podcast on the Srebrenica genocide on Europarl Radio 👉

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour European Parliament Translation Service, visuel

    10 472  abonnés

    Multilingualism EU Summer School highlights 🇪🇺 On Saturday 6 July we bid farewell to the 32 students that inaugurated the first edition of the Multilingualism EU Summer School. Their week was filled with visits to the linguistic services of the EU institutions in Luxembourg, as well as presentations, workshops, talks with language professionals, and activities to discover Luxembourg and the Multilingualism Hub of Excellence of the European Union institutions. Let’s take a look at the highlights of the week: 🔵 Monday: learning about translation of legislative texts as well as multimedia translation at the European Parliament; 🔵 Tuesday: delving into the world of legal translation and interpretation at the Court of Justice; 🔵 Wednesday: working on Clear Language by editing texts at the Court of Auditors, and participating in IATE terminology management workshops run by the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU; 🔵 Thursday: hearing about the latest AI developments in the translation field at the European Commission, then stepping ‘back in time’ into the historic archives of the Publications Office of the EU; 🔵 Friday: taking part in translation workflow exercises at the European Investment Bank, and hearing about life, opportunities and multilingual education in Luxembourg from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of Education; 🔵 Saturday: unwinding after a busy week with a hike in the Mullerthal region. We want to thank our participants for their enthusiasm and their eagerness to make the most of the Summer School and we wish them all the best in their career! #multilingualism #multilingualismEUsummerschool #translation #luxembourg European Commission - European Investment Bank (EIB) - Court of Justice of the European Union - European Court of Auditors - Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union - Publications Office of the European Union - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse, Luxembourg

  • 📣 Bliv korrekturlæser/sprogrevisor Europa-Parlamentets oversættelsestjeneste har iværksat en indkaldelse af interessetilkendegivelser for korrekturlæsere/sprogrevisorer med henblik på at oprette en database over kandidater til fremtidige ledige stillinger. Vi er på udkig efter sprogspecialister til følgende sprog: bulgarsk, dansk, engelsk, finsk, fransk, irsk, litauisk, maltesisk, nederlandsk, rumænsk, svensk og tysk. Gå ikke glip af muligheden for at arbejde sammen med os og bidrage til flersprogethed og europæisk demokrati. Yderligere oplysninger og ansøgning 👉 Ansøgningsfrist: den 30. maj 2025 kl. 17.00 (luxembourgsk tid)

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour European Parliament Translation Service, visuel

    10 472  abonnés

    Multilingualism EU Summer School 🇪🇺 We are proud to kick off today the very first edition of the Multilingualism EU Summer School, co-organised by the linguistic services of the EU institutions based in Luxembourg. From 1-6 July we will welcome in Luxembourg 32 motivated students from European Master's in Translation (EMT), European Master's in Conference Interpreting (EMCI) and law studies all across Europe, who have been selected for their strong academic background and interest in learning. The participants will have a week filled with activities that will allow them to discover the richness and variety of the Multilingualism Hub of Excellence in Luxembourg. The week's schedule includes visiting the linguistic services of EU institutions in Luxembourg, meeting with language professionals to get a glimpse of their daily work, and exchanging with like-minded peers from all over the Union! Discovering the city and country of Luxembourg is also on the programme. We hope they all find opportunities for growth and exploration! #multilingualism #multilingualismEUsummerschool #translation #luxembourg European Commission - European Investment Bank (EIB) - Cour de justice de l'Union européenne - European Court of Auditors - Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union - Publications Office of the European Union

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  • This week, our Director-General for Translation, Mr Valter Mavrič, represented the European Parliament Translation Service at the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), which took place in Sheffield, UK. Held from 24 to 26 June, and jointly organised by ZOO Digital and the University of Sheffield, the EAMT 2024 Conference brought together developers, researchers, users, translation and localisation professionals and managers, all interested in machine translation and translation-related tools and resources. It presented state of the art research, case studies, projects and products in the field. In the keynote speech he delivered on the first day of the conference, Mr Mavrič outlined how MT has become an integral part of DG TRAD’s work, helping it to manage an ever-growing volume of translation requests and allowing it to focus on the unique value that only humans can bring to the translation process. Here are some photos from this inspiring event 👇 European Parliament #EAMT2024 #translation #multilingualism #Innovation

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