There is one sentence I am confused with in the below panel:


I am bit confused about the use of 誰と. I think it is supposed to be 誰とも. Is it a typo? Perhaps not because も is placed in でもなく. If that's case then, 誰とつるむでもなく means something like "not hanging out with anyone but..."?

Also, I am not sure whether 誰とも also modifies verbs 気取って, 接して and やれてる, not just つるむ.


2 Answers 2


It's not a typo. This 誰と~する(わけ)でもない is a variant of the 誰とも~しない construction, with an added nuance of "(not) particularly". It's faster to learn from examples:

  • どこにも行かない
    to go nowhere
  • どこに行くでもない
    not to go anywhere in particular
  • 何もしない
    to do nothing
  • 何をするでもない
    to do nothing in particular; aimless
  • 何にもならない
    to amount to nothing; meaningless
  • 何になるでもない
    to amount to nothing in particular; not very meaningful
  • 誰もいない部屋
    an empty room
  • 誰がい���でもない部屋(から物音がする)
    (There's a sound from) a room where there is no one in particular
  • 誰ともつるまず
    hanging out with no one
  • 誰とつるむ(わけ)でもなく
    not hanging out with anyone in particular

A similar pattern is explained in this answer. In this construction, か is optional for some reason. For example, どこに行くでもない is the same as どこかに行く(わけ)でもない, but I feel the former feels slightly literary or sophisticated.

誰ともつるむでもなく (with two も) is perfectly understandable, too, but I feel it's a little redundant and awkward.

  • Yes, and 誰と only modifies つるむ
    – Axe
    Commented Jul 11 at 20:08
  • Also, does 気に入らない modify 誰?
    – Axe
    Commented Jul 11 at 20:24
  • 1
    @Axe you can understand the sentence in question as だから誰とつるむでもなく孤高を気取って表面上明るく接して「上手くやれてる」と思ってるアイツが気に入らない. I am bit uncertain whether 上手くやれてる is the only quoted text though. Commented Jul 11 at 21:16
  • Thanks, that makes sense
    – Axe
    Commented Jul 11 at 21:23
  • 1
    @JohnDavies Yes only "上手くやれてる" is the content of 思ってる.
    – naruto
    Commented Jul 11 at 23:02

The other answer gives examples which use でもない. I have some examples that seem relevant, but which stray from that pattern. I don't know what to call these sentences, but I want to call them "delayed-も" sentences.

〜こともできない is a pattern:

  • どうすることもできない
    can't do anything
  • しかし、誰の助けを借りることもできない [narou]
    can't get anyone's help
  • その顔からは何の感情を窺うこともできな�� [narou]
    can't see any expression


  • 何をやったとしても不思議じゃない [danganronpa]
    it wouldn't be strange no matter what was done (nothing would surprise me)
  • どの引き出しに入っているのも、仕事の資料ばかり [danganronpa]
    what was in each and every drawer was just documents
  • 毎夜三更を過ぎる頃、紀昌の家の屋上で何者の立てるとも知れぬ弓弦の音がする [名人伝]
    a sound not known to be caused by anything in particular (a sound of unknown origin)

I have some thoughts, but I'm not really sure how to explain these. I can't see a straightforward way to reword most of these.

There's a familiar grammar pattern, 〜ても used with a question word, which could be categorized with these delayed-も sentences.

By the way, the panel you posted has another interesting phrase, どんなに面倒臭いおじさんとの飲み会も.

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