Star Brigade

Star Brigade is a subset series of toys from Hasbro under the G.I. Joe series and toyline.


Released in 1993 (with a final group released in 1994), they represent a space unit of the Joes fighting Cobra and an evil alien force, the Lunartix Empire. The Star Brigade was really different from the usual G.I.Joe series as it included a space Empire with aliens.

The toy line was made up of both Armor Tech figures and Star brigade figures. The Armor tech figures being more like big space suits while the Star Brigade ones were like the normal 3 3/4 action figures.

Characters and Vehicles[]


Duke - Star Brigade Commander[]

  • File Name: Hauser, Conrad S.
  • Grade: E-8 (Master Sergeant)
  • Birthplace: St. Louis, MO
  • Primary Specialty: Battle Commander
  • Secondary Specialty: Military Intelligence

Duke was released as a Star Brigade figure and not an Armor tech in 1994

Hawk - G.I.Joe Armor-Tech Commander[]

  • File Name: Abernathy, Clayton M.
  • Grade: O-7 (Brigadier General)
  • Birthplace: Denver, Colorado
  • Primary Specialty: Strategic Command Operations
  • Secondary Specialty: Armor-Bot Commander

Heavy Duty - Heavy Ordnance specialist[]

  • File Name: Morris, Lemont A.
  • Grade: E-5
  • Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
  • Primary Specialty: Heavy Anti-Armor Weapons Specialist

Robo-J.O.E. - Jet-tech operations expert[]

  • File Name: Scott, Greg D.
  • Grade: E-3
  • Birthplace: Casper, Wyoming
  • Primary Specialty: Criminal Termination
  • Secondary Specialty: Outlaw Incarceration

Rock 'n Roll - Robo-Gunner[]

  • File Name: McConnel, Craig S.
  • SN: 989-1314-CM53
  • Grade: E-4
  • Birthplace: Malibu, California
  • Primary Specialty: Cybernetic Heavy Weapons Specialist
  • Secondary Specialty: PT Instructor (Physical Training)
  • Motto: "Toasting marshmallows or roasting Cobra B.A.A.T.'s, it's tough to decide which is more fun."

ROCK 'N ROLL has served with the G.I. Joe team since its inception and has been constantly updating his equipment and skills. When he heard DUKE was recruiting members for the Star Brigade force, Rock 'n Roll jumped at the chance to fight in space and be outfitted with the latest battle-armor technology. No other Star Brigade member uses his bio-integrated, Robotic Battle Armor quite like Rock 'n Roll. He braves laser fire, jumps on live grenades, and even chases Cobra B.A.A.T.'s right into the sun to capture them (and to toast an occasional marshmallow on the end of his laser rifle).

Countdown - Combat Astronaut[]

  • File Name: Dubosky, David D.
  • Grade: O-3 (USAF)
  • Birthplace: Plainfield, New Jersey
  • Primary Specialty: Astronaut/Fighter Pilot
  • Secondary Specialty: Electronics Engineer

Countdown was also released again in 1994

Ozone - Astro-Infantry Trooper[]

  • File Name: Kunitz, David P.
  • Grade: E-4
  • Birthplace: Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania
  • Primary Specialty: Environmental Health Specialist
  • Secondary Specialty: Chemical Laboratory Specialist

Ozone has two versions in 1993 and one in 1994

Payload - Astro-Pilot[]

  • File Name: Morgan, Mark Jr.
  • Grade: O-6
  • Birthplace: Cape Canaveral, Florida
  • Primary Specialty: Space Shuttle Astronaut
  • Secondary Specialty: F-4 Phantom Pilot

Aside from the 1993 one, Payload has two versions in 1994

Roadblock - Space Gunner[]

  • File Name: Hinton, Marvin F.
  • Grade: E-6
  • Birthplace: Biloxi, Mississippi
  • Primary Specialty: Heavy Machine Gunner
  • Secondary Specialty: Cook (Escoffier qualified Chef)

Roadblock also has a version in 1994

Sci-Fi - Starfighter Pilot[]

  • File Name: Fine, Seymour P.
  • Grade: E-4
  • Birthplace: Geraldine, Montana
  • Primary Specialty: Laser Weapons Systems Operator
  • Secondary Specialty: Electronic Instrument Repair

Sci-Fi also has a version in 1994

Effects - Explosive Expert[]

  • File Name: Beck, Aron
  • Grade: E-6
  • Birthplace: Fort Worth, Texas
  • Primary Specialty: Explosives/Munitions Ordnance
  • Secondary Specialty: Special Effects Coordinator

Gears - Invention Technician[]

  • File Name: Morrone, Joseph A.
  • Grade: O-3
  • Birthplace: Westerly, Rhode Island
  • Primary Specialty: Chief Engineer (Special Projects)
  • Secondary Specialty: Research and Development

GEARS is a technological genius. His first big invention came when he helped bring ROBO-J.O.E. to life by integrating human muscles and brain waves with Robotic Battle Armor and computer circuitry. This process led to the development of the Power Fighter units that operate as an extension of the pilot's own body...only with a lot more firepower and combat capabilities! This technological breakthrough earned Gears a place in the National Inventors Hall of Fame, as well as a place on Cobra's top-ten hit list!

Space Shot - Combat Freighter Pilot[]

  • File Name: Roberts, George A.
  • Grade: E-4
  • Birthplace: Everett, Massachusetts
  • Primary Specialty: Interstellar Pilot
  • Secondary Specialty: Combat Operations Engineer

Joes Gallery[]


B.A.A.T - Battle Armored Android Trooper[]

"Take a bulldozer, strap a few missile launchers and assault rifles to it and you've got yourself a B.A.T.T!"

Destro - Cobra Tech Commander[]

  • File Name: James McCullen Destro
  • Birthplace: Callander, Scotland
  • Primary Specialty: Cyber Tech Weapons Dealer
  • Secondary Specialty: Weapons Manufacturing and Supply

Cobra Blackstar - Elite Space Pilot[]

  • File Name: Unknown
  • Primary Specialty: Elite Space Pilot
  • Secondary Specialty: Tactical Squad Leader

Cobra Commander has formed an alliance with the Blackstar forces, a secretive legion of space pilots whose origins remain unknown. This particular COBRA BLACKSTAR is the best pilot out of all the Blackstar ranks. He, like all Blackstars, behaves as if space was his natural habitat. They have incredible agility in zero gravity zones, climb planetary craters with ease and instinctively avoid asteroid belts while engaged in stellar dogfights. No one has ever seen a Blackstar up close, and rumors have spread throughout the galaxy that they might not even be human!

Astro-Viper - Cobranaut[]

"The Solar system is only big enough for one ruling power. COBRA!"

T.A.R.G.A.T. - Trans Atmospheric Rapid Global Assault Trooper[]

Motto: "If you think sky diving to Earth from a plane is dangerous, try doing it from a Cobra Invader orbiting the moon!"

These terror troopers are deployed into orbit from Cobra Invaders wearing specialized, self-contained space suits. The suits contain ceramic composite heat shielding armor that provides coolant safety during atmospheric re-entry. When two or three of them return to Earth at the same time, they are often mistaken for a meteor shower - until they start shooting like typical Cobra terrorists! They are considered to be formidable battle opponents with exceptional firepower capabilities, so next time you see a meteor shower, it might be a good idea to stand beside a G.I. Joe...just in case.

In 1994, those Star Brigade action figures were released:

Cobra Commander - Cobra Supreme Leader[]

  • File Name: Classified
  • Grade: Cobra Supreme Leader
  • Birthplace: Classified

Supreme commander of the Cobra Legions, COBRA COMMANDER is the ultimate enemy of G.I. Joe. Although no one knows his true identity, its common knowledge that he's the most diabolical villain imaginable! Because he has failed so far in his plans to take over the Earth (thanks of course to the courage, skill and firepower of G.I. Joe forces), Cobra Commander is heading into space to set up battle stations on the moon and strengthen his troops. G.I. Joe's Brigade must stop him before he gains more power, or risk destruction of Earth, space, and the entire human race!

Techno-Viper - Cobra Battlefield Technician[]

Cobra Gallery[]


Lobotomaxx - Stellar Explorer[]

A friend to no one, LOBOTMAXX hates humanoids and fellow Lunartrix aliens alike. Proud of his bounty hunter reputation, he is known throughout the cosmos as one of the most unmerciful creatures ever hatched! His monstrous tail can disable enemies in one powerful whack. Seldom does prey escape a bite from his venomous fangs! Unfortunately for him, his intelligence is extremely limited, due to the loss of brain tissue suffered when the top of his skull was sliced off during a laser-saber duel with Predacon.

Predacon - Alien Bounty Hunter[]

A vicious Lunatrix alien. PREDACON makes his living by capturing criminals and selling them back to the Glactic Authorities. If the authorities reject the criminals, Predacon imprisons them in his private alien zoo. This four-armed monster is loyal only to his tribal clan on planet Trilenium, and he's proud to wear its ancestral medallion on his chest plate, along with Lunartrix hieroglyphics that are etched into his arm guards.

Carcass - Alien Destroyer[]

Leaving nothing but broken bones and smashed dwellings in his wake CARCASS is a born menace to the universe. He has stomped through alien towns destroying all that he can, and making prisoners of its fearful inhabitants. He has even gone so far as to mistakenly attack a Star Brigade outpost, narrowly escaping capture by ducking into an asteroid belt. His mutated body, which may account for his overly hostile attitude, is considered ugly even to other Lunartix aliens more hideous than he.

Aliens Gallery[]


Star Brigade appeared in three G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero comics from Marvel.

The Star Brigade aliens show up in the G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers: Black Horizon comic series from Devil's Due.

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