
Unbeknownst to the world at large, Cobra has already established a foothold in the United States, specifically the seemingly innocuous town of Springfield. At first glance, it has all the appearances of nice little town with nice middle American values. Stick around, though, and the people might just convince you to stay and believe... believe in the Cobra philosophy.


A Real American Hero Comics Continuity[]

Animated Continuity - Sunbow[]

Springfield was a false town Cobra used to sadistically interrogate Shipwreck in order to obtain a formula for destabilizing water. Unbeknownst to Cobra, Shipwreck had had a mental safeguard forced on him by Dr. Mullaney to protect the secret.There's No Place Like Springfield (Part I)There's No Place Like Springfield (Part II)


  • The name "Springfield" was chosen as most states in the United States have a community named Springfield. Cobra's base could thus be in virtually any part of the country. Oddly, Rhode Island (where Hasbro is based) does not have a community named "Springfield".
  • Similar reasoning later led Matt Groening to set his cartoon The Simpsons in a city called "Springfield".


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