
Aliens and UFOs that appear in the A Real American Hero Animated continuity.

The Sunbow Series[]


An alien ship carrying the Golden Fleece appears mid-battle.

G.I. Joe and the Golden Fleece - During a midair dogfight between G.I. Joe and Cobra, a UFO appears. Cobra fires a shot on it, which rips open the hull, causing the Golden Fleece to fall to earth.

GIJ alien

Zartan disguised as an alien.

The Invaders - [Fake alien] A battle between Cobra, G.I. Joe, and the Oktober Guard comes to a halt as a UFO appears overhead. An alien exits the craft and announces it will judge humanity to decide the fate of Earth. However, it turns out to be a Cobra plot and alien is Zartan in disguise.

The DIC Series[]


Member of an alien race.

Messenger from the Deep - While the Joes and Cobra battle for a city under the sea, the Joes discover the truth: The city had been created by an alien race. The episode closes with the alien telling the Joes to seek out peace on their own planet.

Alien: "Do not permit your people to destroy themselves as mine have."
Scarlett: "We're trying."
Alien: "Trying is not good enough. Believing. Remember, my friends, peace."
