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Image of SORPLAS recycled plastic with the ZV-1F

ZV-1F – capturing our environmental vision

Aiming to achieve a zero environmental footprint

Inspired by the beauty of the world, Sony is paying attention to the need to help preserve the Earth, while still allowing creators to produce even more beautiful and creative imagery.
With goals of achieving net-zero emissions across the entire Sony Group by 2040 and a zero environmental footprint by the year 2050, we are accelerating numerous initiatives.

Image illustrating Sony’s Road to Zero initiative

Products for people and the environment

Newly-developed wind screen using recycled PET bottles1

At Sony, we’ve extended the use of recycled materials beyond the camera body to a wind screen. Developed through careful testing of sound quality performance and wind protection efficacy, it’s made exclusively from recycled PET bottles1, lessening our environmental impact while maintaining performance.

Image of a wind screen and plastic bottle

Designing a better future with SORPLAS™

SORPLAS is made from used water bottles and waste optical discs collected from factories and markets, and a proprietary flame retardant. It’s used in a variety of Sony and external products. SORPLAS won’t degrade too much even after being recycled several times, so in the future, we are hopeful that SORPLAS will be recovered and reused in new products.

Illustration showing a recycling system in which waste plastics are converted to SORPLAS and used in Sony products

[1] Crush [2] Mould [3] Products [4] Collect from factories/markets

High recycled content, up to 99%

Recycled plastic used in electronics is typically only around 30%2 recycled content. Our groundbreaking sulfur-based flame retardant produces consistently high-performance plastic even when using up to 99%3 recycled content.

Pie charts showing the high use of recycled content in SORPLAS compared to typical flame-retardant recycled polycarbonate plastic

[2] Recycled content 99%3 [3] Flame retardants, other additives 1%

[4] Typical recycled polycarbonate plastic4
[5] Petroleum-based virgin plastic 55%5 [6] Recycled content 30%
[7] Flame retardants, other additives 15%

Enhancing the ZV-1F with SORPLAS

We use SORPLAS6 in the ZV-1F in both its external and internal parts. This high-performance recycled plastic offers the dual benefits of improving the product while reducing its environmental impact.

Image of the ZV-1F with wind screen attached and display screen open

SORPLAS across a wide variety of our cameras

We've used approximately 379 tons7 of SORPLAS recycled plastic in our digital cameras and digital video cameras over the past ten years.

Image of Sony cameras with SORPLAS

Packing for a better future

Reducing plastic packaging

To eliminate our use of plastic in packaging, we’re now using plant-based non-woven fabric8 or paper bags, when the materials are available9, to wrap our products while maintaining the protective and high cushioning properties.

Image of the ZV-1F box and packaging

Reducing our carbon footprint at production plants

100% renewable energy for ZV-1F production

At Sony, we’re reducing energy use not only through our product design, but also in our manufacturing process. The production plants10 in Thailand11 and China12 that manufacture the ZV-1F now run on 100% renewable energy. We’re not stopping there: we’re accelerating our plan to introduce renewable energy at our sites across the world.

Aerial shot of Sony production plant with solar panels
Image of SORPLAS recycled plastic with the ZV-1F

Vlog camera ZV-1F



  1. Used for the wind screen base fabric and raised area. Recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles may not be available depending on the time of production.
  2. As of June 2014, according to Sony research. In the case of typical flame-retardant recycled polycarbonate plastic.
  3. Amount of recycled content varies depending on the application.
  4. A type of plastic.
  5. Contains no recycled content.
  6. SORPLAS may not be used for parts depending on the time of production.
  7. Sony survey of products and supplied accessories produced from April 2012 through March 2022.
  8. Materials used in coatings and adhesives are excluded. Depending on the production period, non-woven fabrics made of natural materials may not be available.
  9. Depending on the production period, paper bags may not be available.
  10. Place of manufacture may vary depending on the time of production.
  11. Achieved 100% use of renewable energy by installing solar power systems in buildings on site and utilising renewable energy certificates.
  12. Achieved 100% use of renewable energy by utilising renewable energy certificates.

    * Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.