Create site

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Site Builder in the side menu.
  3. Click Create site.
  1. Depending on the required functionality, select a site template:

    • Selling. Allow selling of Founder’s packs and game keys, and making pre-orders for the game on the site. Template features are described in the How to sell pre-orders via your site instruction.

See demo →

    • Web Shop page. Allow selling your in-game items or currencies individually or as bundles even if your game doesn’t have its own store. You can set up the selling of items in the following ways: to the authenticated users only or to the users who indicated their game account ID. Template features are described in the How to set up Web Shop page template instruction.

    • Import from Google Play. Allow importing of game info and assets from Google Play, selling of Founder’s packs and game keys, and making pre-orders for the game on the site.
    • Import from Steam. Allow importing of game info and assets from Steam, selling of Founder’s packs and game keys and making pre-orders for the game on the site.
    • Store. Allow creating of a site with a store and promo slider to sell game keys, virtual items, and virtual currencies. Template features are described in the How to connect store to your site instruction.

See demo with games →
See demo with items and currencies →

  1. In Builder, click Add block and select a block you want to create on your site. See the list of available blocks.
  1. In the side menu, edit the settings and components for each added block, select a global theme and configure SEO and language settings.
  1. In Builder, you can load images and videos into blocks and edit texts that will be shown to users.
  1. Click Publish.
If site publication is not available, make sure all the required conditions are met:
  • There are no empty sections in Builder (marked with a red dot).
  • The Licensing Agreement with Xsolla has been signed.
  • A section for user authorization has been added to the site (if there is a Store block on the site).
  1. Make changes to the domain (optional). To do this, go to Site Builder and click Configure. In the Domain section, edit the Xsolla domain name or use your own domain.
  1. To track the site performance, enable analytics and promotion services (optional). To do this, go to Site settings and in the Apps section, connect the necessary services.
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Last updated: May 24, 2024

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