How to publish news on your site

How it works

You can publish articles about game updates and promotions on your website and share announcements of events, interesting posts and materials related to your game. It allows you to drive more traffic to your site and increase conversions.

Who can use it

Partners who have integrated Launcher.

How to get it

To publish an article, add it to your site one of the following ways:

Adding article via Launcher

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side bar click Launcher.
  3. Click Open and set up in your launcher.
  1. Go to the News tab and click + New article.
  1. In the modal window, complete the following sections:
    • General settings:
      • Game to feature in the article.
      • Article category (if you didn’t create news categories, the value is always default).
      • Geographic availability.
      • Article language. There may be several (English is the default).
    • Content settings for each language:
      • Title.
      • Image.
      • Preview.
      • Article text. Customization with formatting tools is available.
    • You can also add a banner to the article or pin it to the top. To do this, switch toggles in the News banner and Priority sections to On.
    1. Click Publish.
    1. Go to Publisher Account > Site Builder.
    2. Open your site or create a new one.
    3. In the middle of the Builder screen, add a block with the corresponding button and select News in the blocks list.
    If you created an article in Launcher in several languages, go to Language settings and switch the toggle to On opposite these languages. Make sure you fill the site blocks for all selected languages.
    1. Select a news display style in the block settings:
      • mixed
      • large (like a stream)
      • small (like a grid)
      • slider
    1. Publish your site.

    Adding article via Site Builder

    1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
    2. In the side bar click Site Builder.
    3. Open your site or create a new one.
    4. In the middle of the Builder screen, add a block with the corresponding button and select News in the blocks list.
    1. In the block menu, click Add article.
    1. In the modal window, complete for each language the following options:
      • Title.
      • Image.
      • Preview.
      • Article text. Customization with formatting tools is available.
      • You can also pin the article to the top. To do this, switch the toggle in the Priority section to On.
      1. Click Publish.
      To publish news in several languages, go to Language settings and switch the toggle to On opposite these languages. Make sure you fill the site blocks for all selected languages.
      1. Select a news display style in the block settings:
        • mixed
        • large (like a stream)
        • small (like a grid)
        • slider
      1. Publish your site.
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      Last updated: October 10, 2023

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