Creepypasta Wiki

FlegPeg FlegPeg 10 days ago

A Revelation.

I'm totally not a creepypasta writer. looking back on past works I have written (which are all still drafts) They aren't creepypastas, they're essentially just scary stories. The stories: The Coughing Man, Newsclipings, The Invasion of the Thin Ones, and the planned to release Computer of Happiness (sequel to Newsclipings) Won't be updated on this site, instead when I eventually finish them I'll try to publish them and tell you guys if it got published. I'm more of a BOOK writer and not a Creepypasta writer. Seeing as I even failed my first ever actual Creepypasta, I Feel Fine. Which was more of a poem anyways. I'll keep trying to be a creepypasta writer, starting with my new story, Mortal Kombat 11 AI. Which is yes a video game Creepypast…

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Ghost-Spider87 Ghost-Spider87 16 days ago



to all who read this I am an aspiring entertainer and story teller I love anything and everything horror related I am obsessed with urban legends and stories I've been detailing other peoples and my own experiences with the supernatural for the past few years. As of lately I am trying to detail an account of road near where I live that has had a long history of weird sightings and the forests that surround my house which was supposedly used by a cult that performed rituals in the woods. Please if you have any stories or experiences with the supernatural please share I am always intrigued to hear. I love to create stories and hope to eventually take my love of story telling to the film industry some day.

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Cornconic Cornconic 17 days ago

Wiki Editing Guide

Though we have a lot of information on the site dedicated to helping improve writing skills1,2,3,4 I've noticed over the years that there are some useful functions to do with formatting and editing that tend to escape the average user. As such, I've decided to put together this short guide to the Source Editor's less obvious features. While not as intuitive, it ultimately offers more variety and freedom than the Visual Editor, which makes it handy to know. Obviously, there are Fandom-created walkthroughs that outline both of them in more detail1,2,3, so I'm going to focus specifically on tools you may not have been aware of that can assist you on a fiction-oriented wiki like this one.

The 'by' template allows you to claim authorship over you…

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Squidmanescape Squidmanescape 21 days ago

New Year's Resolution - 6 Months Later

I decided to make a new blog because that way, people can comment without breaking a site rule which I forgot about when making the original blog. I also want to draw attention to the original, which I keep updating.

  • 1 Introductory Statements
  • 2 Why Did I Succeed?
  • 3 Why Did I Fail?
  • 4 What's Next?

In January of 2024, I started my New Year's resolution of writing stories on this site. I honestly thought that I would fail immediately, post all of my old stories to the Writer's Workshop, and then give up entirely.

Instead, I ended up posting seven stories to this site before "failing" in a broad sense.

Some of the stories were directly based on ideas I'd been working on for a long time. Others were basically written in one month. For some reason, the ones…

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LunaTheReaper06 LunaTheReaper06 22 days ago

An introduction on who I am (+ important notice)

Hello all. I wanted to make this post addressing something I didn’t know until now. If you don’t know who I am, I’m basically someone who is interested in story writing and creative writing as a whole. On top of that, I’m also a creepypasta fan, hence why I joined this site, but I mostly joined so I could discuss with other fans and the like. However, I am not going to be focusing on that. Instead, I’m going to mention something that came as no surprise to me, but still something I figured I should say before I forgot to do so.

Please understand that this is not intended as a slight towards anybody, as I know that the situation was only done as per the rules of this site. I don’t have any ill feelings towards the administrator(s) for doing …

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Kawaiiprecure858 Kawaiiprecure858 25 days ago


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FlegPeg FlegPeg 25 June

An Introduction on who I am?

This is I guess an introduction to who I am. Hi! I'm Clover "FlegPeg" Varela and I'm an Animator and an author! I'm a girl, and I like spwooky things. That's why I'm here! own a wiki about my stuff you can see here and a Youtube channel you can see here. I am writing such masterpieces such as The Coughing Man, The Treasure of the Inuit, and Newsclippings. I hope I can give you guys a scare, and remember, Run from the man in the trench coat.

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Astroliah Astroliah 22 June

Blog Entry 2: I forgot I had this account oops

6/22/2024 Second Blog Entry

I was trying to make a new account since I thought I forgot the password to this one but it wouldn't let me make a new one. I decided to try to log into this one and I got it on the first try! I didn't know that I wrote two stories on here and I would love to reread them, maybe even rewrite them if I get the chance. I hadn't used this account in three years, which is a lot for me. I was supposed write a book series called Haunted by Greed but I never actually got the chance to write it since I had major writers block. I had just gotten back to writing this year after suddenly getting a lot of book ideas. I'll repost some of my stories on here too.

But hey, i'm back! I'm not sure how long though, I'll probably go bac…

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Thes silly Thes silly 7 June

my intro woohoo

yoyo, this is my intro i think. i recently joined fandom cus i got interested and stuff in creepypastas.i literally joined for creepypastas. my favorite classic creepypasta thing is "abandoned by disney" because it wasnt cleshae or however you spell it. my grammar is so trash bc like.. english isnt my first language. oh yeah my name is max btw but u can call me anything bc i honestly do not care. im also really interested in old ahh rom-hack type things like myhouse.wad or whatever. im currently working on my own creepypasta right now, actually. pokepasta specifically. thats honestly all to be honest. byebyeeeee feel free to ask my stuff btww

-max ;)

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HektorbossGr HektorbossGr 18 May


My name is not Bob it is Hektor. I named it Bob just because I can.

Anyways, here's some stuff about me:

Name: Hektor

Los tres mejores creepypastas favoritos: Número tres: Gato Sonriente Número dos: Slenderman Número uno: Jeff El asesino (I am not Spanish I just googled translated them)

Nationality: HELLENIC 🇬🇷🏛🏺🧿🏺🧿🇬🇷🇬🇷🏛🇬🇷🏛🏺🧿🇬🇷🏛🧿🇬🇷🧿

I loved creepypastas when I was younger because they scared the living "I Deliver Sodas To A Strange Local Walmart" out of me (I used that creepypasta instead of $#!7 for ppl who don't get the joke)

I want to study creepypastas to make my own.

My social security number is: idontknowwhatthatis

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