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Questions tagged [stalemate]

A chess game is said to end in stalemate when the player to move has no legal move and his king is not in check.

5 votes
2 answers

Why was this a draw? What move I supposed to play to win?

I'm playing as Black. Why was this a draw? What move I supposed to play to win? [FEN ""] [StartPly "104"] 1.e4 d6 2. Bb5+ c6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Bxc6+ bxc6 5. c4 Nxe4 6. Qa4 Nf6 7. c5 h6 ...
eren's user avatar
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Why was this a draw?

I’m a new player. Why was this a draw? What was the move instead? [FEN ""] [StartPly "90"] [Title "From White's Perspective"] 1. a4 e5 2. a5 Nc6 3. Na3 d5 4. a6 bxa6 5. ...
Solvia's user avatar
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Why was this recent Chess960 match of mine considered a stalemate?

So recently, I participated in a Chess960 tournament because I wanted to try and improve how I strategized, because that seemed to me to be what had been killing my Chess960 rating on Lichess. However,...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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Why did I lose a point of rating in stalemate?

Recently played this game on and it ended up in a stalemate then also I lost one rating and the opponent gained one rating. How is this possible as I have more points in the end? Edit: For ...
InfinityLies's user avatar
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Is double "pure stalemate" reachable in a normal game? [duplicate]

Define "pure stalemate" as a position where the player is not in check, and has no legal moves, even without considering whether a move would place them in check. (So every piece is blocked ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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Can you force stalemate with KB/K?

Since the practical answer, pending the old suggestions to rate stalemate different, is "Who cares?", I doubt "official" tablebases exist. (Since winning the KNN/KP endgame depends ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Stalemate positions on Chess board

How many stalemate positions in numbers without duplicates are possible on chess board? Is it a infinite or finite number in terms of stalemate positions count?
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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Questions about legality of last move

Question for FIDE Arbiters and similar knowledgeable folk... FIDE Law Article 5.1.1 The game is won by the player who has checkmated his/her opponent’s king. This immediately ends the game, provided ...
Laska's user avatar
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Proving the fastest way for stalemate

I know that Sam Loydfound the 9.5 move stalemate, but how can we prove that his way of reaching stalemate is the fastest?
Iso's user avatar
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USCF rule for wrongly agreeing to stalemate? [duplicate]

In a USCF tournament game, after I moved and hit my clock, my opponent said "Is that stalemate?", reaching out his hand to shake on the result. I said "I think so," and shook his ...
DanStronger's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Would a stalemate declared a win be theoretically equivalent to this larger board chess variant?

Most drawn endgames where one side is stronger than the other (e.g. has an extra pawn) are drawn because the weaker king can force being stalemated on the rim if the stronger side avoids a repetition. ...
Hauptideal's user avatar
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In the endgame, black had only two blocked pawns. It is his turn. Is it stalemate or must he move his king?

In the endgame, Black had only two blocked pawns. It is his turn. Is it stalemate or must he move his king? My opponent claimed that the king cannot move if all other remaining pieces are blocked.
Bill Robinson's user avatar
5 votes
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Fastest stalemate in Duck Chess

Seeing the meteoric rise in popularity of Duck Chess (full rules), I'd like to ask how to stalemate the fastest (from the starting position) in this variant, because the stalemated player wins here. ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a position where the weaker side can force stalemating the stronger side?

Usually, the (materially) stronger side stalemates the materially weaker side. Is there a position where the weaker side can forcibly stalemate the stronger side? The only position I know where this ...
Hauptideal's user avatar
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How can I avoid stalemate in this position?

I am very much a beginner to chess and have been clueless in my past matches. I feel like I'm either making a move just to protect any of my pieces at that moment or make a move to simply knock my ...
anotherhyooman's user avatar

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