Cheer Boys!! Wikia

BumblingBoo BumblingBoo 28 July 2016


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BumblingBoo BumblingBoo 16 July 2016

Cheer Boys!! in Reality

Considering author Ryō Asai's background as a graduate from the Waeda University in Japan, it is no surprise that he would take the location and aspects of the university in which he first gained his literary debut as inspiration for the series Cheer Boys!!

  • 1 Waeda University
  • 2 Shockers
  • 3 Founder of Shockers
  • 4 Shockers Uniform

The appearance of Meishiin University is very similar to that of Waeda University,

Yohei Kano was the one who had founded Shockers in 2004. He was an active baseball player in high school, but after injuring his shoulder, he had decided to give up the sport when he entered university, just like Haruki Bandō who had retired from the judo club after injuring his own shoulder.

With a simila…

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