Zander Cannon's KAIJUMAX

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

How are you doing? Did something happen for the second issue to get delayed? Is the comic safe?

It’s safe; at least as safe as any mid list comic. I just decided that I wasn’t going to work myself to death over the summer (unlike the last 3 summers) and started getting kind of fussy with the writing. I’m getting back on track now.

Anonymous asked:

Is it a coincidence that the first issue taking place in a female kaiju prison is coming out during pride month?

I’m afraid it is. I wish I had the ability to be agile enough to release books during auspicious times, but pretty much every new Kaijumax season launches in April, May, or June. But readers who are looking for some LGBTQ+ content may indeed enjoy this season.

This week is the release of KAIJUMAX SEASON 3: KING OF THE MONSTAS.
Initially, I thought I would put the women’s prison in Season 3, but I wanted to go back to the original characters and reorient them after a plot-heavy, action-y second book. (I’m...

This week is the release of KAIJUMAX SEASON 3: KING OF THE MONSTAS. 

Initially, I thought I would put the women’s prison in Season 3, but I wanted to go back to the original characters and reorient them after a plot-heavy, action-y second book. (I’m working on the women’s prison now, in season 4).

I really enjoyed going back to the original characters I created and remixing them slightly, making some more major, some more minor, and exploring the gang relationships a tiny bit more. Taking two characters (Whoofy and The Creature from Devil’s Creek) that had been mainly punchlines or misery subplots and pushing them to the point where they had to overcome their passivity and take back a little control over their lives. I intended to make something of the idea that stories continue after the flashy parts, and that the small characters are worth following as well.

One issue (#4) has the framing device of a rap musical (”King of the Monstas”, a retelling of the plot of Gojira, while strenuously avoiding mentioning any character names), which is great fun and made me realize that writing in rhyming couplets is a huge pain in the ass. Fun though. If you’ve watched Gojira as many times as I have, you may find some odd and hyperspecific references to the film.

The other thing that was a lot of fun to go into was the nature of The Creature of Devil’s Creek, here revealed to be named Daniel. His mother (a Puritan woman) and his father (Satan, or to be more specific, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies) allowed me to go into weird occult stuff as a fun side story to all the tokusatsu characters.

So check it out at bookstores or at the library (or at comic book stores next week) and if the spirit moves you, please leave a review or a rating for it on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews (good and bad) really help the visibility of the book.

In the meantime, I will leave you with this epic goodreads review: 

“…this book is so weird. There is satanism, drugs, graphic violence, and all that while presenting cartoon/kid like illustration. This is not a book for children!! Be aware!” 

biggrimzilla asked:

I was just thinking of the tiny kaiju like Fairy Mothra and your wicked villain Grubzo and that was making me wonder if they have more respected roles outside Kaijumax for being able to "fit" into human sized society more easily.

My thought on that is that they would be welcome in a probationary way; they would have to fit certain stereotypes in a non-threatening way. They’d probably be considered pretty “cool” if they behaved just so (flying around? breathing a little bit of fire? Very cool.) But human society would likely never see them as anything but monsters. 

There is a coming plotline in season 4 about a main character’s (also megasized) husband who has a job on the outside and – because he fits the mold of the benevolent kaiju – is celebrated, well paid, and severely limited in the sort of things he can do. He is also fantastically corrupt and plays the system like a fiddle. 


Anonymous asked:

Does that bird kaiju that saves Whuffy have a name? So loyal.

zandercannon answered:

He was meant to be an old ally along the lines of Rodan, but made into a bird both in order to differentiate him from Rodan and because I already have a pteranodon character (Giant Monster Terongo, Terror of Pago Pago). I think I named him “Birdogon” in my notes. 

In addition, Kaijumax color assistant Jason Fischer suggested I make his cry of pain into “Wark” to suggest a kinship to the chocobos from Final Fantasy. I’m nothing if not open to more dumb references to pop culture monsters, so in it went, as his dying bleat.

RIP Birdogon.



The panel in question.

goji23-blog1 asked:

Have you ever watched monster island buddies?

After reading this question I watched a couple of them. I’m happy I never heard of it before I did Kaijumax; it’s kind of exactly what I originally wanted to do and it might have taken the wind out of my sails a little. Looking at it now that I’m well into the series, it’s pretty distinct from what I ended up doing, which is lucky. 

biggrimzilla asked:

*Sigh* I could have lived a perfectly happy life without knowing Zonn had a "filth sack" somewhere in his body. I bet even Hedorah didn't have one of those!

I agree. Completely unnecessary. 

I put that in explicitly as a reference to a 90s comic called “Sugar Buzz” in which someone’s bowels were referred to as a “filth pouch” and like many, many other extremely inappropriate moments, it indelibly stuck in my brain.

Anonymous asked:

Does that bird kaiju that saves Whuffy have a name? So loyal.

He was meant to be an old ally along the lines of Rodan, but made into a bird both in order to differentiate him from Rodan and because I already have a pteranodon character (Giant Monster Terongo, Terror of Pago Pago). I think I named him “Birdogon” in my notes. 

In addition, Kaijumax color assistant Jason Fischer suggested I make his cry of pain into “Wark” to suggest a kinship to the chocobos from Final Fantasy. I’m nothing if not open to more dumb references to pop culture monsters, so in it went, as his dying bleat.

RIP Birdogon.

Anonymous asked:

The tv tropes article says some comic shops actually put Kaijumax in the kids' section by mistake. Is it true?

There are so many comics and so many comics stores that things like that are bound to happen. I heard it from a few places and even saw a website or two that recommended it for young readers (the Cthulhu issue, if you can believe it). I don’t know why I had been reluctant to put a mature readers notice on it, except that I always felt like it was a step back from sort of a hard-R Vertigo book like Preacher. But when I opened an issue/season with a blood-drenched cabin in the woods, I really had to face facts. :-)