Zander Cannon's KAIJUMAX

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“More New Year’s news: Kevin Derendorf of Maser Patrol is writing a book of reviews on the giant monster genre’s lesser-known titles (i.e. no Godzilla, Gamera, or Kong). Spot the Kaijumax reference on the cover!
I’m choosing...

More New Year’s news: Kevin Derendorf of Maser Patrol is writing a book of reviews on the giant monster genre’s lesser-known titles (i.e. no Godzilla, Gamera, or Kong). Spot the Kaijumax reference on the cover!


I’m choosing to believe this is a Kaijumax reference (though it’s just as likely they thought of the same silly pun that I did). Thanks, Kevin!

goji23-blog1 asked:

Who do you think would win? Ultraman or Godzilla? Its kinda hard because there are many different ultraman and they have defeated many powerful kaiju, and also Godzilla has defeated many kaiju as well but he also survived in space, a black hole, defeated orochi, a army of demons and angels, and even killed the greek gods, the devil, and the christian God, and even destroyed the Earth!

I do think that Godzilla would have the edge here. What’s kind of shaken out over all the movies is that he’s almost elementally powerful, and much of the drama of his stories is how the rest of the world counters something so terrifying (”territorial hurricanes”, as James Stokoe called Godzilla and his ilk in Half Century War). Ultraman is a protagonist, however – not just sometimes but all the time – and despite all the momentary setbacks, loss of nerve, self-doubt, and competing priorities that plague every good hero, he always triumphs, especially when it’s Earth at stake. A good story would kind of have to end with an Ultraman victory. 

Perhaps in the mix there is an Ultra who is so vain, arrogant, and foolish that a trouncing from Godzilla – who he critically underestimated – would feel rewarding. But then there’s just the patient mentor, the month of training on a distant planet, and the crucial long-lost weapon to turn the tide. He’s gotta win. Godzilla’s only real hope is to accomplish his goals (wrecked city, killed worse kaiju, drove off alien armada) and then head off to the sea to sleep for a decade so we can call it a draw.

goji23-blog1 asked:

When Season 3 comes to an end when will it's volume come out? Plus are there racist Kaiju in Kaijumax universe?

The Cryptids are always banging on about being the “master species” and have espoused “SpeFiWa”, or Species Final War, as an end point to their racist struggle. They’re really a bunch of dicks.

And yes, the trade will be out in probably the second quarter of 2018. I’m finishing the final issue and have to do some illustrations for the trade, but it should be out not too long after the final issue comes out.

Anonymous asked:

The panels from Mechazonn's point of view where he's "detecting" Zonn are bizarrely relatable.

There’s been a lot going around about anxiety being like hearing dramatic music in a video game and not being able to find the enemy. I like that interpretation, and I like that there could be a visual component to it as well, along the lines of all the GUIs of all the robotic characters throughout science fiction history.