Zander Cannon's KAIJUMAX — I was just thinking of the tiny kaiju like Fairy...

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biggrimzilla asked:

I was just thinking of the tiny kaiju like Fairy Mothra and your wicked villain Grubzo and that was making me wonder if they have more respected roles outside Kaijumax for being able to "fit" into human sized society more easily.

My thought on that is that they would be welcome in a probationary way; they would have to fit certain stereotypes in a non-threatening way. They’d probably be considered pretty “cool” if they behaved just so (flying around? breathing a little bit of fire? Very cool.) But human society would likely never see them as anything but monsters. 

There is a coming plotline in season 4 about a main character’s (also megasized) husband who has a job on the outside and – because he fits the mold of the benevolent kaiju – is celebrated, well paid, and severely limited in the sort of things he can do. He is also fantastically corrupt and plays the system like a fiddle.