Palmdale Ready

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We don’t like to think about disasters or emergencies, but the reality is they happen every day. We often think that won’t happen here, and certainly not to us, but it may, just like it may happen to another city or another family. The difference is that by taking a few simple steps, we can be better prepared to help ourselves, our families and neighbors.

You will find basic emergency preparedness information below that will help guide residents and visitors to be prepared for any emergency.

Emergencies can happen anytime, and you and your family may not be together when one occurs. Make plans now so you will know how to contact each other in any situation.

Contact information

  • Make sure each family member carries a cell phone or coins or a phone card so they can make a call.
  • In some emergency situations it may be easier to make a long distance than a local call. Designate an out-of-town contact who can communicate among separated members. Be sure your contact has information for each member of your family.
  • Give each person a contact card with names and phone numbers of other family members. The list should also include the out-of-town contact information. Have each person carry the card in their wallet, purse, or backpack at all times.
  • Give a copy of your contact information to your child’s school to keep on file.
  • Include a copy of your contact information in your family’s emergency kit.

Preparing children

  • Talk to your child about how and when to call 9-1-1.
  • Identify safe places for children and teens to go if they are not at school or with your family in an emergency. These might include a friend’s home, fire or police station, library, or place of worship. Make sure your children know how to find these safe places.
  • Make sure small children know their phone number and address and your name.

Reuniting with family members

  • Designate two places for family members to meet in the event of an emergency.
  • Choose a location close by (for example, the street light in front of a nearby home). Instruct family members to meet there if they can do so safely in situations where only your home or the immediate area is affected.
  • Choose another spot outside of the immediate area (for example, in front of a grocery store). This could be used when an emergency affects a larger area and your family members cannot get home safely.
  • Use your family’s communication plan to contact each other about your location, if possible.