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978 votes
21 answers

Accessing an object property with a dynamically-computed name

I'm trying to access a property of an object using a dynamic name. Is this possible? const something = { bar: "Foobar!" }; const foo = 'bar';; // The idea is to access, ...
RichW's user avatar
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465 votes
10 answers

Why should I not #include <bits/stdc++.h>?

I posted a question with my code whose only #include directive was the following: #include <bits/stdc++.h> My teacher told me to do this, but in the comments section I was informed that I ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
863 votes
22 answers

The useState set method is not reflecting a change immediately

I am trying to learn hooks and the useState method has made me confused. I am assigning an initial value to a state in the form of an array. The set method in useState is not working for me, both with ...
Pranjal's user avatar
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2694 votes
73 answers

How can I get query string values in JavaScript?

Is there a plugin-less way of retrieving query string values via jQuery (or without)? If so, how? If not, is there a plugin which can do so?
1167 votes
21 answers

Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?

I have the following code. #include <iostream> int * foo() { int a = 5; return &a; } int main() { int* p = foo(); std::cout << *p; *p = 8; std::cout << *...
1390 votes
10 answers

Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?

In templates, where and why do I have to put typename and template on dependent names? What exactly are dependent names anyway? I have the following code: template <typename T, typename Tail> // ...
MSalters's user avatar
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2212 votes
27 answers

What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?

What is the scope of variables in javascript? Do they have the same scope inside as opposed to outside a function? Or does it even matter? Also, where are the variables stored if they are defined ...
lYriCAlsSH's user avatar
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2735 votes
65 answers

How can I fix 'android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException'?

I got an error while running my Android project for RssReader. Code: URL url = new URL(urlToRssFeed); SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser parser = factory....
bejoy george's user avatar
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422 votes
10 answers

Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad?

Imagine a web form with a set of check boxes (any or all of them can be selected). I chose to save them in a comma separated list of values stored in one column of the database table. Now, I know ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
383 votes
15 answers

How to reshape data from long to wide format

I'm having trouble rearranging the following data frame: set.seed(45) dat1 <- data.frame( name = rep(c("firstName", "secondName"), each=4), numbers = rep(1:4, 2), value = rnorm(8) )...
Steve's user avatar
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301 votes
2 answers

How to extract and access data from JSON with PHP?

This is intended to be a general reference question and answer covering many of the never-ending "How do I access data in my JSON?" questions. It is here to handle the broad basics of decoding JSON in ...
user3942918's user avatar
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259 votes
10 answers

How can I read inputs as numbers?

Why are x and y strings instead of ints in the below code? (Note: in Python 2.x use raw_input(). In Python 3.x use input(). raw_input() was renamed to input() in Python 3.x) play = True while play: ...
user avatar
820 votes
15 answers

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

Questions: What are raw types in Java, and why do I often hear that they shouldn't be used in new code? What is the alternative if we can't use raw types, and how is it better?
polygenelubricants's user avatar
551 votes
9 answers

The Use of Multiple JFrames: Good or Bad Practice? [closed]

I'm developing an application which displays images, and plays sounds from a database. I'm trying to decide whether or not to use a separate JFrame to add images to the database from the GUI. I'm ...
Peddler's user avatar
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3220 votes
34 answers

Using async/await with a forEach loop

Are there any issues with using async/await in a forEach loop? I'm trying to loop through an array of files and await on the contents of each file. import fs from 'fs-promise' async function ...
Saad's user avatar
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