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189 votes
5 answers

Does application.yml support environment variables?

I tried using env variables in my application.yml configration like: spring: main: show_banner: false --- spring: profiles: production server: address: $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP port: $...
8 votes
6 answers

WARN Sending `onAnimatedValueUpdate` with no listeners registered

I got stuck. I am developing a mobile application with React Native CLI & React Navigation 6.x Then when i use material top tabs navigator, swiping through left to right or right to left. It ...
0 votes
1 answer

AJAX Patch Request returns empty in Laravel Controller

I am trying to update a resource in Laravel sending a PATCH request to my controller. This is my AJAX call $.ajax('profile', { // Replace with your actual endpoint URL type: 'PATCH', ...
0 votes
1 answer

Wide range bluetooth as network? or any valid replacement?

I was hoping to use Bluetooth as a media for a network connection between devices. I've been reading and it seems to be that Bluetooth can only cater up to 8 devices. We're talking about 40-70 devices ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does the PHP null-coalescing operator (??) behave irrationally with == and ===? [duplicate]

var_dump(3 ?? null); var_dump(3 ?? null === null); var_dump(3 === null); var_dump(3 ?? 1 > 2); var_dump(null ?? 1 > 2); What do you consider the outputs to be? So the question is really this: ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why isn't the cursive font working with Cascadia Code in VS Code?

Cascadia Code cursive font doesn't work in VS Code. I installed the latest version of CascadiaCode.ttf but cursive font doesn't work there is only italic font. My VS Code settings.json: { "...
0 votes
0 answers

Trying to create "auto-generating" component

So I'm trying to build this page in a very barebones geocities style server. It lets me use some JS, so I was trying to build some component to do this idea I had, I have built this "blog" ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Including navbars using Php [duplicate]

I've been working on my first ever fully fledged web project to try and learn php, and after copying and pasting my top navbar into the 15-ish pages that I have and the styling for it into the 15ish ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to use Next's Placeholder Blur when handling MDX

I am quite new to code (and definitely don't know much). I am building my design portfolio and I want that images load with Next Image's placeholder blur, the problem is that it's throwing me this ...
0 votes
2 answers

renaming folders and files in large file tree

I have a large file tree with around 954,000 files. There are tons of files that I need to rename back to the original, symbols were removed from the original file name and replaced with a number code ...
-3 votes
0 answers

Can I write a library to preload in C++ and is there anything I need to do other than prepend ```extern "C"``` to the functions to intercept?

Dear StackOverflow Community, I am working on a personal project where I need to intercept Linux API like open(), read() etc, and I would like to do some data analysis on that, and I would need to ...
0 votes
2 answers

Failed:{"success":false,"code":"INTERNAL_SECURITY_BLOCK",message":"Internal Security Block","data":{}}

This is my function: private void payUsingPhonePe() throws PhonePeInitException { String MERCHANT_ID = "<hidden>"; String salt = "<hidden>"; String ...
0 votes
1 answer

problem with cs50 p-set3 runoff (print winner funtion)

so this is a problem from CS50 Week 3 runoff, when I am running this code I am getting the following error, I cant understand why? I don't find any problem with the code, so need help from more ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I use vba to insert a row below each row that contains "2024" in a specified column, and in that new row enter "2025" in same column?

I am downloading sales history from ERP system and want to add a row for next year's forecasting. ERP export image: text: Employee.Employee Company Product Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul ...
6 votes
3 answers

What to do when legacy Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) APIs will be discontinued?

I got an email from Firebase saying that starting June 20, 2024 the legacy Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) APIs will be discontinued. I read the document thoroughly and googled my question, but I could ...

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