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42 votes
2 answers

AVPlayer frame animation

I am developing an application that includes functionality to play a video with per-frame animation. You can see an example of this functionality. I already tried to add CAKeyFrameAnimation to a ...
rkyr's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

What's different about Screensaver preview in Windows 8?

I'm working on a simple WPF-based screensaver and can't get the thumbnail preview to work. When you open the display control panel and go to configure the screensaver, the selected screensaver is ...
Bevan's user avatar
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iOS 13 - silent push notifications are no longer reliable

iOS 13 changes: Change 1: In iOS 13 Beta 6, a silent remote notification (AKA Background Notification) with priority 10 is no longer handled by the OS and dropped. This was documented in the past but ...
Segev's user avatar
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LibXL: excel cross-sheet formulas not updated

I'm dealing with a problem with libXL and Office365. I created an Excel file with Office 365: a simple formula which shows the content of a cell from another sheet. Then I proceeded to write something ...
Davide's user avatar
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1 answer

In Websphere Commerce 7, how do I remove the language and store name from an SEO url the correct way?

Currently the client I'm working for is making use of the SEO Friendly urls outlined here:
jros's user avatar
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AWS Cognito's SMS Multi Factor Authentication returns invalid code or auth state

I am trying to implement authentication built on Cognito using their Go SDK. I have been able to get basic username/password authentication to work, but when I add in 2-factor authentication using SMS ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I serialize a jgrapht simple graph to json?

I have a simple directed graph from jgrapht and I am trying to serialize it into a JSON file using jackson as follows: ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); File output = new File("P:\\tree....
yann89's user avatar
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secTaskDiagnoseEntitlements MISSING keychain entitlements: no stored taskRef found

In two applications which have WatchKit app extensions, I receive the following error in the device log more than ten times on startup. secTaskDiagnoseEntitlements MISSING keychain entitlements: no ...
Justin Domnitz's user avatar
38 votes
1 answer

Having trouble working with SelectWoo instances of Select2 within WooCommerce

I am using Select2 within WooCommerce in some of my own custom areas and I am targeting it with some code to add and removes certain classes and it's working fine except for the SelectWoo instances ...
Brett's user avatar
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2 answers

Android Room Exceptions

What kinds of exceptions I should consider while working with Android Room. From my research I found out that there is only one exception that might occur. Room Exceptions That is also when you are ...
musooff's user avatar
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iOS crash at CFAllocatedReferenceCountedObject

My app frequently crashes with the following information: 0 CFNetwork CFAllocatedReferenceCountedObject::_retainable_hash(void const*) 1 CoreFoundation _CFBasicHashFindBucket + 164 2 ...
Wancj's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

What causes visual glitches with Xcode 9's iOS Simulator and how can I fix them?

When running applications on the simulator with Xcode 9, I regularly experience a handful of visual glitches, which include red device identifier labels and content that duplicates itself and leaves ...
Tamás Sengel's user avatar
38 votes
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debugserver died with an exit status of 0x00000000

I was running an app on Xcode with the iPhone 6 stimulator using the latest iOS 10. And after some time the app crashed with the following message: debugserver died with an exit status of 0x00000000 ...
Chaudhry Talha's user avatar
38 votes
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Let image ManipulationMode capture pointer

In my app, a user can select an Image and drag it onto a Grid, to play with it. I do this by handling the PointerEntered event of the Grid. Here I detect if the user had an image selected and if the ...
vrwim's user avatar
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3 answers

Android "couldn't log to binary event log: overflow"

I have an android app that has been running without problems until I updated my device to android 4.4 (kitkat). Now I start getting this error and some part of the program is broken with this in the ...
Rhystic's user avatar
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