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3 answers

How can you tell if viewstate in an ASP.Net application has been tampered with?

During a discussion about security, a developer on my team asked if there was a way to tell if viewstate has been tampered with. I'm embarrassed to say that I didnt know the answer. I told him I would ...
Kilhoffer's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

How do you write a C# Extension Method for a Generically Typed Class

This should hopefully be a simple one. I would like to add an extension method to the System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage< T > class. How should this extension method look? My first intuitive thought is ...
Matt Mitchell's user avatar
50 votes
11 answers

Working with USB devices in .NET

Using .Net (C#), how can you work with USB devices? How can you detect USB events (connections/disconnections) and how do you communicate with devices (read/write). Is there a native .Net solution ...
David Thibault's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Good pattern or framework for adding auditing to an existing app? [closed]

I have an existing J2EE enterprise application to which I need to add auditing, i.e. be able to record CRUD operations on several important domain types (Employee, AdministratorRights, etc.). The ...
Andrew Swan's user avatar
  • 13.6k
11 votes
17 answers

PHP: Can I reference a single member of an array that is returned by a function?

any idea how if the following is possible in PHP as a single line ?: <?php $firstElement = functionThatReturnsAnArray()[0]; ... It doesn't seem to 'take'. I need to do this as a 2-stepper: <?...
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1 vote
6 answers

What's the best way to extract table content from a group of HTML files?

After cleaning a folder full of HTML files with TIDY, how can the tables content be extracted for further processing?
lyates's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

DefaultButton in ASP.NET forms

What is the best solution of defaultButton and "Enter key pressed" for ASP.NET 2.0-3.5 forms?
dimarzionist's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

How can I print a binary value as hex in TSQL?

I'm using SQL Server 2000 to print out some values from a table using PRINT. With most non-string data, I can cast to nvarchar to be able to print it, but binary values attempt to convert using the ...
Tadmas's user avatar
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64 votes
10 answers

CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN error when setting the Clipboard from .NET

Why does the following code sometimes causes an Exception with the contents "CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN": Clipboard.SetText(str); This usually occurs the first time the Clipboard is used in the application ...
3 votes
8 answers

Algorithm for finding characters in the same positions in a list of strings?

Suppose I have: Toby Tiny Tory Tily Is there an algorithm that can easily create a list of common characters in the same positions in all these strings? (in this case the common characters are 'T' ...
ilitirit's user avatar
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93 votes
13 answers

How to stop PHP replacing dot characters in GET, POST, or COOKIE names?

If I pass request fields or cookies with a period/dot in their names, PHP auto-replaces them with underscores. For example, if I put this code at <?php echo $...
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2586 votes
27 answers

Class (static) variables and methods

How do I create class (i.e. static) variables or methods in Python?
Andrew Walker's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Can you have a class in a struct?

Is it possible in C# to have a Struct with a member variable which is a Class type? If so, where does the information get stored, on the Stack, the Heap, or both?
Mark T's user avatar
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20 votes
16 answers

Regex that Will Match a Java Method Declaration

I need a Regex that will match a java method declaration. I have come up with one that will match a method declaration, but it requires the opening bracket of the method to be on the same line as the ...
Anton's user avatar
  • 12.4k
324 votes
9 answers

Are tuples more efficient than lists in Python?

Is there any performance difference between tuples and lists when it comes to instantiation and retrieval of elements?
readonly's user avatar
  • 351k

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