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103 votes
11 answers

Which version of Perl should I use on Windows? [closed]

The web site provides references to several Perl distributions for MS Windows. For a long time I have been using ActivePerl from ActiveState but recently I switched to Strawberry ...
szabgab's user avatar
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3 votes
10 answers

How do you grab a text from webpage (Java)?

I'm planning to write a simple J2SE application to aggregate information from multiple web sources. The most difficult part, I think, is extraction of meaningful information from web pages, if it isn'...
ansgri's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Calling a .Net Assembly from a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report?

I've currently got a set of reports with a number of common functions sitting in code blocks within the .rdl files. This obviously presents a maintainability issue and I as wondering if anyone knew a ...
Jon Artus's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

Defining class methods in PHP

Is it possible in PHP (as it is in C++) to declare a class method OUTSIDE the class definition?
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0 votes
3 answers

What are the options for extracting data out of Hyperion 7.3 with SSIS?

We need to get data out of some Hyperion cubes (databases) using SSIS. Are there any connection managers available for this? Has anyone done this?
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0 votes
2 answers

Virtual Files are opened from Temporary Internet Files

I have created a namespace extension that is rooted under Desktop. The main purpose of the extension is to provide a virtual list of ZIP files that represent a list of configurable directories. When ...
Jorge Ferreira's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Map of Enums and dependency injection in Spring 2.5

Let's assume we've got the following Java code: public class Maintainer { private Map<Enum, List<Listener>> map; public Maintainer() { = new java.util....
mindas's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

OCSP command-line test tool? [closed]

Does anybody know of a tool to test OCSP responses? Preferably, something that can be used from a Windows Command-line and/or can be included (easily) in a Java/python program
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6 votes
3 answers

Set a UserControl Property to Not Show Up in VS Properties Window

I have a UserControl in my project that has a public property. I do not want this property to show up in the Visual Studio Property Window when a user highlights an instance of the UserControl ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Which Desktop Virtualization software runs most smoothly? [closed]

Background: I'm running a full-time job and a part-time job in the weekends, and both my employers have supplied a laptop for me to work on. Of course I also have my powerful workstation at home to ...
Christian Hollbaum's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Disable selection of rows in a datagridview

I want to disable the selection of certain rows in a datagridview. It must be possible to remove the select property for one or more datagridview rows in a datagridview shown in a winform. The goal ...
Niki's user avatar
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22 votes
17 answers

Why should I not use "with" in Delphi?

I've heard many programmers, particularly Delphi programmers scorn the use of 'with'. I thought it made programs run faster (only one reference to parent object) and that it was easier to read the ...
Baldric's user avatar
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290 votes
5 answers

Why is \r a newline for Vim?

From question How to replace a character for a newline in Vim?. You have to use \r when replacing text for a newline, like this :%s/%/\r/g But when replacing end of lines and newlines for a ...
Vinko Vrsalovic's user avatar
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311 votes
20 answers

Forward declaring an enum in C++

I'm trying to do something like the following: enum E; void Foo(E e); enum E {A, B, C}; which the compiler rejects. I've had a quick look on Google and the consensus seems to be "you can't do ...
szevvy's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

SQL: Counting unique votes with a rolling votes-per-hour limit

Given a table of votes (users vote for a choice, and must supply an email address): votes -- id: int choice: int timestamp: timestamp ip: varchar email: varchar What's the best way to count "unique" ...
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