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Questions tagged [xml]

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a structured document format defining text encoding rules. When using this tag include additional tags such as programming language, tool sets, XML technologies being used, and other tags describing the environment of the problem posted. XML flexibility lends to a wide variety of uses for human and machine data transfer so be specific as to tools and libraries.

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In odoo v17 how can I make a <div> appear only at the bottom of the last page of the QWEB pdf print or appear inside footer at the last page only?

<!-- Report Template --> <template id="report_delivery_form"> <t t-call="web.html_container"> <t t-call="web.basic_layout"> ...
Uday Sankar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to get nested xml structure as a string from an xml document using xpath in pyspark dataframe?

I have a dataframe with a string datatype column with XML string. Now I want to create a new column with a nested XML structure from the original column. For this, I tried using XPath in PySpark. ...
Krushna's user avatar
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EBICS XML Signature in Javascript

it's my first time asking in stackoverflow basically right now I am trying to implement EBICS current progress in on HPB I already created an XML with this format <?xml version="1.0" ...
Achmad Nabil's user avatar
-4 votes
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Exporting program instructions into a file that an application can read and execute [closed]

I am writing a web application (let's call it App 1) that allows users to write simple instructions for a separate app (native, lets call it App 2) in a visual manner. Something similar to Google's ...
Bombora's user avatar
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2 answers

XSLT: Want to use a Variable to Exclude from Sum of Node-set

I have xml that has multiple buckets that are being summed together in a Total I am using xslt 2.0..... <RPTTIME> <ATTRTYPE>sickPaid</ATTRTYPE> <...
Rob Williams's user avatar
-2 votes
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Ebay Python SDK returning an error only on specific item categories

I have been using the ebay SDK for a project for a while. Recently I have tried importing some items such as watches, phone cases etc... and I used the category IDs on the UK store page returned by ...
sjhsadgjhgsgajkhgfdsaj's user avatar
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Malformed CDATA in xml

I get a XML from a third-party service, This one is malformed sometimes CDATA tag aren't close, My goal is to write a regex capable of catching only malformed CDATA, example : <Couleur_regroupement&...
Xbattlax's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Android TextView.setText(R.string.text_from_string.xml_file); does not show font colors which were used to decorate strings and in string.xml file

I put some strings in string.xml file as follows. <string name="text1749">The <font color="#DE0010">book</font> was written by Mr. Martin Vikramasinghe.\n<font ...
Isuru Thiwanka's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Relative Layout In Android - Centerof

In a Relative View Group, we can place one view above or below another view: "layout_above" and "layout_below." etc... Now, the problem I have is that if I want to position one ...
Matin Baki's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disabling external entities XML parsing error

I am getting a blocking vulnerability from SonarQube (Disable access to external entities in XML parsing.) in my Code: public void validateAgainstScheme(String xmlContent, String xsdLocation) throws ...
timo.js's user avatar
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3 answers

Need help to extract this XML node - Excel connection strings in Python

I have a Python program opening up Excel (XLSX) files, and trying to find the <connection> node. This is the full XML from the connections.xml file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding=&...
Fandango68's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I tell xmllint to ignore 'entity' errors

I'm using xmllint as part of the linter settings in ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine, plugin for Vim). The codebase I'm working on has a lot of HTML entities in XML. Not good, I know, but they're not ...
klokop's user avatar
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Xml Validation with two same files [closed]

I have 2 xml files that are The very same. I tested with on online tool named XML Compare. When I test the files with xsd Sheme they are valid. But when i upload them to the governement site one is ...
Kais Abid's user avatar
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1 answer

Multi-level listing bullet point "text" not showing in XML tree of Word Document's XML

I am trying to parse Word Documents using their XML; I am doing this through using Python's xml.etree.ElementTree module. This is the code I used to create a plain .txt file output for a given Word ...
Salaam Hamad's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Print Option Not Displaying for Payslip in Odoo

I am trying to create a custom payslip report in Odoo and add it to the print button on the payslip form view. I have followed the steps to create the module, define the report, and bind it to the hr....
Rahma Begag's user avatar

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