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Questions tagged [wait]

In programming, 'wait' refers to the act of pausing the execution of a program until a specific condition is met or a given amount of time has passed.

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JavaScript. Selenium. Implicit wait and driver.sleep won't work together

I have suck script for Twitter login automation. I've set waits on 21 line and I script to wait on 34 line. But driver.sleep on line 34 doesn't work 'use strict'; const {Browser,Builder, By, Key} = ...
kaka's user avatar
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Why parent process is active when not using wait function?

I am using pipes to display file contents. When I comment the wait command (in the last part of the parent process), I expect to see the parent process in the ps command's output (after a while, ...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
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Excel VBA no screen update in For Next loop [duplicate]

I'm writing some excel VBA code to display messages on a user form. In debug mode I see the different messages, so it does pick up the correct sentences from the form, but is does not display the ...
Michael van Eijndhoven's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

My java code is stuck in loop when it should end, i put a while that cant exit is condition

I was asked to write a java method executeInParallel that executes without active waiting and without race conditions(so i thought that i needed an ArrayBlockingQueue).I was also asked to not use ...
Kishido's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java, k consumer threads passive waiting instead of active waiting

I need to write a java method that doesn't have active waiting while having more consumer threads to run k runnables in parallel and when a runnable ends another runnable immediatly needs to run This ...
Kishido's user avatar
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Wait() and NotifyAll() does not work in programm

I am writing a message oriented middleware, in which subscribers and publishers communicate via a queue in the middle class MessageBroker. publishers should drop messages into a queue of a topic if it ...
LennartPfeiler's user avatar
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Why does my task run slow when using Task.Result but fast when I use await Task?

When I run the below code as part of my application, replacing the line var capacityScenarios = debouncer.Result; with the following line: var capacityScenarios = await debouncer; results in a massive ...
misterbee180's user avatar
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Tkinter wait_variable keeps waiting after the buttom is pressed in the second called of the class

I have a Tkinter window inside a class. This class is called from several protocols (Each one is a different script). In one of the protocols, the window works perfectly and gets the job done for all ...
Karu's user avatar
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Why pyodbc connection.close hangs for 10 minute after timeout error on Azure-sql-database?

I'm executing the following code. The code intentionally contains a query that takes longer than the query timeout. import pyodbc TIMEOUT_SEC = 1 QUERY_DELAY_SEC = TIMEOUT_SEC + 1 DSN = ".."...
xliiv's user avatar
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Program hangs while forking in a loop

I have made a program in C that uses fork() function in a loop and in the child process it executes another program with execlp(). The second program is used to listen for signals (for example CTRL+c, ...
fdnull's user avatar
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Waiting for several hours before resuming execution

I'm writing some code to control the altitude and azimuth of a solar panel, moving every hour between 6am and 6pm, then returning to the start position in the evening and resuming again 6am the ...
Newlands's user avatar
-4 votes
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LeetCode 1116 Java Concurrency Issue, will waiting thread revisit code before? [closed]

Here is my code for the problem which works fine, however, when I change the while statement right under synchronized statement, it seems any thread that get the lock after notifyall() just continue ...
cokkiePlay's user avatar
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Implementation Bash pipes and redirections in c

interesting screen lldb I encounter an issue with my implementation of pipes and output redirection. It works fine individually, but when I try 'ls | wc > a', it doesn't function as in real Bash. ...
kawzqq's user avatar
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Which child will execute first when you call fork() and wait() multiple times?

When you call fork() multiple times, and then call wait(); which child will be executed first? The first, or second child? int main(int ac, char **av, char **env) { t_d f; static int ii; ...
Anas Qabbal's user avatar
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how to join all threads after all files are visited?

I'm creating a CLI Search Engine for my project and I need to traverse the path given by the user. I'm using FileVisitor. To make things faster, I implemented multi-threading. Here is
cumabolat's user avatar

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