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Questions tagged [virtualenvwrapper]

virtualenvwrapper is a set of extensions to Ian Bicking’s virtualenv tool. The extensions include wrappers for creating and deleting virtual environments and otherwise managing your development workflow, making it easier to work on more than one project at a time without introducing conflicts in their dependencies.

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VS code terminal stuck in venv when I open specific folders

I setup a virtual env called (tut) using virtualenvwrapper. When I open /Dev/ dir or any of its child dirs in VS code, the terminal adds the env name without brackets to my terminal: tutusername@...
itskillian's user avatar
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Problem with Pyenv and Pyenv-virtualenvwrapper in macOS

I am trying to create a virtual environment in macOS with Pyenv and Pyenv-virtualenvwrapper. I have other virtualenvironments created, but I have noticed the python versions inside .virtualenvs are ...
gontxomde's user avatar
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I can't create a virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper

I try to create a virtual environment with virtualenwrapper-win having it already installed, but when I run the mkvirtualenv name_env command I get the error "mkvirtualenv" is not recognized ...
Emilio's user avatar
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pyenv-virtualenvwrapper not working: wont use pyenv shell or pyenv local settings

I am unable to get pyenv-virtualenvwrapper plugin to work on my Ubuntu host. I have pyenv, virtualenvwrapper, and pyenv-virtualenvwrapper plugin installed (and in correct plugin directory). I tried ...
Dave's user avatar
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Unable to solve the error after installing virtualenv

My computer system is mac OS ventura 13.4. After I install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper using pip3, a large error message pops up every time I open the terminal enter image description here Can ...
TIANXfafe's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'virtualenvwrapper'

I'm trying to get virtualenvwrapper working in zsh (for Python 3, MacOS Apple Silicon) and haven't find a solution in other posts. I'm running pip3 install virtualenvwrapper which appears successful. ...
K--'s user avatar
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Error installing virtualenvwrapper on MacOS - installation directory and permission issues

I'm following the installation guides for AutoGPT and it suggests installing Virtualenvwrapper but I seem to always run into walls when working on the terminal of this Mac. Either it's a permission or ...
Enzo's user avatar
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Where does virtualenvwrapper's activate script live on Ubuntu?

I installed python2 and virtualenvwrapper on my ubuntu machine in order to run a very old set of scripts I've saved for an obscure task. I run the following: sudo apt-get install python2 cd ~/path/to/...
Mayor of the Plattenbaus's user avatar
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How to call cdvirtualenv from a bash script?

The virtualenv package is set up from .bashrc by sourcing /usr/share.../ This file defines a number of functions, among those cdvirtualenv: function cdvirtualenv { ...
thebjorn's user avatar
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How can I improve my python environment setup on windows 10?

This is my current python environment setup on Windows 10: For the remainder of this post I will assume you have chocolatey installed. Also I'm using the bash as admin terminal from cmder. Install ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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zsh doesn't find workon from virtualenvwrapper

hi i have installed virtualenv python library to manage my env doing all the setup but when i use the following command to open my env that happen francesco@AirdiFrancesco ~ % workon zsh: ...
drMAIN's user avatar
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python virtualenvwrapper refuses to work after upgrade to python3.10

Keep getting this error when my bashrc is sourced: /usr/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for 'virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '...
Dave's user avatar
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After "deactivate" from virtualvenv, prompt has "if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONPATH (set "PYTHONPATH=" ) "

I have a python (3.11) virtual env named "Test". Using VSC, Command "Workon Test" puts me in the Test virtual env. However, when I "deactivate", the command prompt has ...
Mojorizing's user avatar
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Scrappy crawl error in virtual environment

Tried the Scrapy tutorial, but cannot run the crawling script: scrapy crawl quotes The error I get: -bash: /home/szendrei/.virtualenvs/scrapy-projects/bin/scrapy: No such file or directory I'm under a ...
Dóra Szendrei's user avatar
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setting up virtualenvwrapper on windows

I'm using virtualenv wrapper on my mac, and I like it a lot. I'm trying to get the equivalent program to work on my windows box. The main question I have is how to do the equivalent of export ...
Brian Postow's user avatar

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