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Questions tagged [specifications]

A specification (also commonly referred to as "spec") is a description of a defined technology and the resources it offers.

-4 votes
0 answers

Why is nesting level of a setTimeout should be greate than 5 to reduce minimal timeout to 4? [closed]

HTML 5 spec by WHATWG, 8.6 Timers says: If nesting level is greater than 5, and timeout is less than 4, then set timeout to 4. I have to ask, why is exactly 5 and why we even have to reduce timeout ...
peperoneen's user avatar
0 votes
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Pyinstaller: Spec File Not Found

Pyinstaller is unable to locate my spec file to build my application. This error occurs: E:\Hqtools\scan-certyify\app>CALL ..\venv\Scripts\activate.bat 1923 INFO: PyInstaller: 6.9.0, contrib hooks: ...
Dora Cacari's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Conflicting JVM specs between what can be verified run and what is debuggable wrt local variables?

On one hand the Java class spec says: There may be no more than one LocalVariableTable attribute per local variable in the attributes table of a Code attribute. But on the other hand lots of ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What does docker compose "links" actually do? [duplicate]

According to the compose file spec, links defines a network link to containers in another service. That would make sense, except reading further… Links are not required to enable services to ...
kojiro's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How can I improve the accuracy of ChatGPT in Prolog?

How can I design a ChatGPT alternative that recognises patterns in algorithm specifications in Prolog and maps input to output? I need recursive patterns in nested list form with [r,"a"] for ...
Lucian Green's user avatar
0 votes
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Need help for resolving RAML error - ClassCastException

I am new RAML and I am writing api.raml with types. While RAML verification I am getting below error - For raml specification am getting ClassCastException. Actually I have json like below - { “...
GauravP's user avatar
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2 answers

What, exactly, is the total number of characters in C's "basic execution character set"?

The following pages on seem jointly inconsistent: Basic character set is also known as basic source character set. The basic ...
yg-i's user avatar
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Does the GraphQL specification allow for empty objects in a response?

Is it valid for a GraphQL server to return an empty object (i.e. {}) as a field's value? For example, given a GraphQL schema like type Query { person: Person } type Person { name: String } and a ...
Logan's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What does it means by "the following additional names" in the ECMA-262 specification?

There is a paragraph: The “Signature” column of Table 4 and other similar tables describes the invocation pattern for each internal method. The invocation pattern always includes a parenthesized list ...
NeoZoom.lua's user avatar
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1 answer

How does HTML parser interact with Speculative parser

Whatwg spec describes conception of the speculative HTML parsing. So, there are many places in spec with the term active speculative parser. Spec says that HTML parser that owns an instance of ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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Spring CriteriaBuilder Number to String cast results in casting 4000 char varchar2 in SQL statement

I am creating a Specification that can do partial searches on numbers. My overridden toPredicate method: /** The not. */ @Builder.Default boolean not = false; /** The property. */ @...
lpapp's user avatar
  • 1
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Can arbitrary commans appear during suboption negotiation (telnet)?

Inside a subnegotiation, a IAC is generally allowed, at least for IAC SE and IAC IAC. How is the semantic of any other IAC command? Does it have to be evaluated recursively? Is it even possible to ...
Caulder's user avatar
  • 71
2 votes
2 answers

Concatenating values of Json only when inputted via Jolt

I have the following inputted Json: { "extraFields": { "language": "french", "status": { "comment": "hey" } } } Using ...
DoubleS's user avatar
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When can template.content return null?

Note: I asked this question in the WHATWG repo, but the issue was closed almost instantly with a reason stating something like "this sort of question is better suited for SO". The WHATWG ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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Does "member" mean "child" in the ECMA-262 spec?

I'm reading the ECMA-262 spec. The spec starts by giving definitions, but they keep using the word "member" in a context that is odd to me: 4.4.5 primitive value - member of one of the ...
Jamie Marshall's user avatar

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