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Connection Timeout on External API Call on Server but Works Locally

I have a Django 4.2.2 application running on Python 3.11. One of the views is as follows: import requests from django.http import HttpResponse def get_captcha(request): response = requests.get( ...
m.piras's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to run an exe file of a server through your website and get its Window on browser?

Is it possible to run an exe file on your server through your website to start to use it through your browser? If so, how? I saw some people run pc games in browsers. So I want to do something similar....
Somebody's user avatar
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Django URL 404 - 1 week spent debugging with GPT4, Claude luck. One specific function is just NOT resolving

Issue Summary: I'm facing an issue where the /LS/mark-text-responses/ URL in my Django application is not being found when an AJAX request is sent to the mark_text_responses view. This issue is ...
Sam N's user avatar
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Static files not served while deploying Django application with Lighttpd and Gunicorn

I am working on my first Django project. I want to host the same using Lighttpd server rather than nginx or apache. The project works well in the developer mode. The 'runserver' serves all the files ...
Madhav Sankar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting web-1 TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I have made a Django project with a postgresql backend and am trying to containerize it. This is my Dockerfile: FROM python:3.9 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 1 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 WORKDIR /app ...
Prisha Goel's user avatar
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Ajax request works succesfully in local but not working in web server. I use Django, Docker. I loads long time and after

Ajax request works successfully locally but not on the web server. I'm using Django and Docker. I've checked all my settings in my docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile,,, etc. After ...
learning dev's user avatar
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Django Not Sending Tasks to Celery in Production

I am a deployer and delpoys django applications using gunicorn & nginx. Recently, I setup a celery project and here are my services: Gunicorn Project Service [Unit] Description=gunicorn daemon for ...
Proud Wadhwa's user avatar
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46 views slowness in django virtual environment running with vscode

After connecting to the server built in awsec2 with a remote of vscode, the django virtual environment was run to make a connection of But its speed is too slow. When you connect using ...
nan yoo's user avatar
-1 votes
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I cannot get the page to render for the Django Apps tutorial

I am using the django tutorial to create my first polls app and to learn Django Here are the files I have created so far: in mysite/ I ...
susannaarwen's user avatar
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Error in connecting websockets when I push the code to server

I have implemented a Django Channel for real time messages between Group users. It is working fine on the local system but when I push this to the server, I am getting the error: WebSocket connection ...
Tejinder Singh's user avatar
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How does the server know that API call has been made from the client?

I am currently reading articles on REST API and how the client and server interaction works. I had a question in my mind which is as follows: How does the server know that REST API call has been made ...
Prateek Arora's user avatar
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"Set the REMOTE_MONITORING_BASE_URL environment variable" when trying to run django server

I was given a directory with Django project, and my task is to fing out hot it works. Cause I'm just statrting to study Django I face some difficulties with it. When I try to run server this error ...
xkge's user avatar
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How to make django file changes that can reflect it on the main server

I have made a change in the django default auth model template. I have added a new column in existing default auth table. So from my project's, I have made change in the django auth model ...
Special FG's user avatar
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Django logging not happening in real-time

I have a log configuration setting like the following: LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'verbose': { 'format': '[{levelname}] {asctime} {module}.{funcName}.{lineno}...
not-a-bot's user avatar
1 vote
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why they call ASGI a server while they say it is not in django?

i am studying Channels in Django Frameworke. after that i went to study ASGI specification , but i got confused of : First they say that the ASGI is a server in here. after that they say that the ASGI ...
momo's user avatar
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