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Questions tagged [selenium-webdriver]

Selenium WebDriver provides the WebDriver API for controlling browsers in different programming languages ("language bindings"). When using this tag, also add a tag for the programming language you are using.

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stalenessOf vs invisibilityOf in Selenium Java

Could you explain the differences between **stalenessOf **vs **invisibilityOf **? Both checked if element invisible/no attached to the DOM. And can't understand when should implement one instead of ...
Alex Blade's user avatar
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Selenium (Python) cannot locate element using CLASS_NAME [duplicate]

When the code below is run it raises this exception: selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector",...
Dan Low's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't read instagram followers properly

someone showed me how to do this in an old video but since Instagram changed I had to go my own way My Code: from instagramUserInfo import username, password from selenium import webdriver from ...
kalpa's user avatar
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Can't found item in scrapy in dynamic content

i'm webscraping a page using selenium and scrapy, the page is dynamic so i want until the item is full loaded then i extract it, the problem is that selenium can find the item but when i extract it ...
Thamer Sekhri's user avatar
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Python requests return empty <body> using a Google Colab notebook

Trying to extract data from I am using the following code: def extract_urls(sitemap_url): """ Extracts URLs ...
Erelephant's user avatar
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How to let Selenium use the DEFAULT webdriver in operating system?

I would set driver in this function to any web-driver the user may using, through it's quite hard, Because lots of different web-drivers are be used. Here's code: from selenium import webdriver def ...
Cooooldwind_'s user avatar
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Selenium python program started crashing with WinError 193

I am running code with pytest and initializing a set of frontend tests with selenium. With no changes in code my selenium chrome tests started crashing with this error, firefox tests pass with no ...
Piotr Wcisło's user avatar
-1 votes
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Change Enter line break character with shift+enter line break in Python

How can I replace newline characters (\n) with a Shift+Enter equivalent in Python to maintain paragraph structure when working with text data? Are there any specific libraries or techniques to achieve ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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Facing errors with scripts written in Selenium after updating Chrome to 127 verison

After updating my chrome to 127 version all my selenium test scripts started to raise error. Is anyone having the same issue? I saw on one of the questions solution to this case by adding script ...
Bekkkk23's user avatar
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I am trying to add pytest to my test but I got collected 0 items message in terminal

from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.edge.service import Service import pytest @pytest.fixture() def wrong_login_test(): website = 'https:/...
Bernardo Cabrera's user avatar
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I'm currently running a Selenium Grid setup on a Kubernetes cluster, with edge nodes configured to scale between a minimum of 5 replicas and a maximum of 100 replicas. My use case involves executing ...
Anvesh Muppeda's user avatar
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JavascriptException Stale element not found after (multiple) redirects

I'm building a SeleniumBase scraper that takes a set of tasks and performs them on a website. After performing some actions on the site the script calls driver.execute_script("return window....
Victor's user avatar
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Seleniumbase Chrome 127 "search engine is needed" problem

In the Chrome version 127 always get a chrome popup with search engine is needed and I have to choose. I use seleniumbase but cannot hide it, disable or click. So ruin all my process... I saw some ...
tromotixc's user avatar
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How to get rid of "Choose your search engine" dialog in Chrome v.127 on Selenium test run?

Since Chrome Browser updated to version 127, on Selenium tests runs I get the next dialog open: How to get rid of it using C#? Do I need to make some options on driver start? I've already chosen it ...
Denis Koreyba's user avatar
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Selenium WebDriver inside of Blazor Server app

I have a desktop app that uses webdriver to: open a browser navigate to a website log in navigate to a form fill out the top part of the form leave the window up for the user to fill out the bottom ...
AndyD273's user avatar
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Disable "You can open bookmarks, reading mode, and more from the Chrome menu" in chrome automation

In current Chrome/Chromedriver version (127, but this started some versions before), when running tests with Selenium, a "tooltip" with the following text appears: You can open bookmarks, ...
Mate Mrše's user avatar
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Elements in chrome browser are not clickable when opened with selenium, unless I leave the browser displayed

I am try to get get data from a site using selenium webdriver. Everything works well when I leave the browser opened/displayed on the screen, but when I minimise the browser tabs, nothing is clickable,...
Godsfavour's user avatar
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Can't scrape all the data from a lazy-loading table using Selenium

I'm trying to scrape three fields (player, logo, dkprice) from a table located in the middle of a webpage. To see all the data in that table, it is necessary to scroll down to the bottom of it. I've ...
SMTH's user avatar
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How to click on a chevron for 'more results' with selenium?

I am scraping a web page with Selenium searching for results. This is working fine, I do get the results I want, but not all results, only 12 out of hundreds. To get the additional results, I must ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Python Selenium Actions Chains work but stop my program in Firefox

I sometimes use ActionsChains with any problems, today he work but stop my program do you know why? scrolling_bar = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#scrolling_bar") start = ...
Laslo Laslo's user avatar
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I got this error! OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I trying to run an Python file today and got this error below! Anyone know what's issue and the solution to fix it? Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Al PC\PycharmProjects\Fe\...
acube's user avatar
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Azure Repo Setup for Nexus Repo

We have our own company framework for testing and all jar are stored in nexus repo. Whenever running my automation framework,all required jars are getting downloaded from nexus repo via pom dependancy....
techieqa's user avatar
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NoSuchElementError: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//select[@id='InputPrefix']"}

when i created seperate stepdefinition classes like Given, When,Then the automation script usin findElement etc.. is not reading in when and then step.js but its reading in given.js file what mistake ...
R Rubika's user avatar
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Selenium Web Scraping on Google Maps: Clicking on all markers/points in view

I'm fairly new to Selenium and am looking to learn how to use it to click on all the markers or points on Google Maps in my view only. I’ve tried following some examples, but they either only work ...
i suck at programming's user avatar
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Selenium WebDriverWait Fails to Detect Form Element for Submitting Answer on Embedded Video with Selenium

I have been programming a bot using Selenium to automate a tutorial series my school forces me to do. In this tutorial there is one video which halfway through prompts the user with a form and some ...
Aidan Rooney's user avatar
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84 I am working on selenium automation project using Python. I am getting an error .NoSuchElementException:

from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.common.exceptions import ...
Hell King's user avatar
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SpecFlow isn't able to find test results in test results file

I'm trying to set up SpecFlow. I have set up my configuration to create .trx files for test results so that I can upload them to Azure DevOps using SpecFlow. I assume I set something up incorrectly in ...
Cole's user avatar
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Selenium not bypassing cloudfare on linux

I am writing a discord bot that web scrapes with some filter periodically and outputs the tokens in a discord channel. When I run the code on my windows machine it works fine but when ...
Aditya Rawat's user avatar
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Firefox pointing to Firefox Private Browsing Version in Selenium

In Selenium, when I am giving the path of My Firefox Path(which is located inside AppData) in My Selenium Automation Code, & executing it's opening the Firefox Browser. But the version it's ...
AGB's user avatar
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What is the easiest way to save an captcha image from a .php page?

I've been trying to extract captcha images from a .php page but have had no luck so far, is there a simple(ish) way to do this? I've been trying with python with selenium so far and would like to keep ...
B G's user avatar
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Selenium Nodejs - Trying To Select Button

The HTML <button class="RCK Hsu USg adn gn8 L4E kVc iyn S9z Vxj aZc Zr3 hA- Il7 hNT BG7" tabindex="0" type="submit"> <div class="KS5 hs0 mQ8 un8 tkf ...
KraveXL's user avatar
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How to automatically generate an Allure report after executing all feature files instead of typing in terminal as specific script?

I'm using Python Selenium Behave and Allure reports on my automation testing, my problem is how can I generate the Allure report automatically without typing a specific script on the terminal after ...
Angel's user avatar
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Selection an option from a menu

I'm writing a script that uses Selenium to do web scraping. I want to enter a zipcode into a search bar, and then select the first option that pops up from the dropdown menu. I can find the XPath for ...
Ighenvex's user avatar
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Scraping captcha from a website using selenium but the code won't produce an actual image

I'm trying to edit the code to save captchas in the hopes to eventually write a bot for automation. The following python code results in the subsequent error. import requests from selenium import ...
B G's user avatar
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findAll() returning empty outputs

I'm trying to scrape the title, date, rating and actual review of each reviews form mouthshut. But I'm unable to extract anything under the title of page. The review is in tag under class 'more ...
dooby's user avatar
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Chrome driver Installation path discrepancy on Windows 11 during bzt run

I'm experiencing an issue with Chromedriver installation during the bzt run. After downloading a zip file, the system seems to be looking for it in the following path: 15:23:03 ERROR: ...
S. Fernando's user avatar
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how to integrate of MS teams with cucumber-testNG-extentsparkreports

I recently tried sending summary reports of testcases everytime i run in my local to ms teams channels but got blockers all my way can anyone suggest me how to do it if you have experience with it ...
Karthik Peddy's user avatar
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WebDriver Error when using Selenium error: OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I'm using the code from the documentation: After install and upgrade all package and running code below: from selenium import webdriver ...
Wojciech's user avatar
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WebDriverException: Message: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure

I'm trying to connect to Selenium through databricks. We've been facing a problem while creating the webdriver: WebDriverException: Message: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. ...
zacthebigkub's user avatar
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bypass API key requirement

I'm trying to communicate to income tax portal (this website via Selenium-Python-Firefox and getting struck at this on opening API Key Required ...
Office's user avatar
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Cannot connect to chrome at, This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 114. Current browser version is 127.0.6533.72

driver code: from import By from import Service from import WebDriverWait from ...
Hikmet23's user avatar
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C# Selenium ChromeDriver, how to perform window zoom out function?

What I need to accomplish is the same exact functionality as the cntrl+ or contrl- key strokes in the chrome driver. Using the javascript way does not bring all the elements into view. I've tried the ...
user1257758's user avatar
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Having Trouble of Capturing the XHR Request with Selenium

First of all I'm not a developer, so used ai to generate me a code to get xhr requests from a webpage which is: ...
formentera's user avatar
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Unable to obtain chrome using Selenium Manager, --language-binding

I upgraded my Selenium from 4.6.0 to 4.19.0 and running a test gives me this error OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchDriverException : Unable to obtain chrome using Selenium Manager; For documentation on this ...
hweih's user avatar
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How to locate and click "reply" button on X using Python and Selenium

Trying to locate and click "reply" button using Python and Selenium. wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//div[@data-testid="reply"]'))) reply_button = driver....
Piotr Misiuda's user avatar
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Selenium don't find class

I'm trying to obtain a value from Google Shopping and have attempted to use CSS, className, and XPath. However, nothing seems to work and it always returns an empty value. As you can see from the ...
Pablo Fernandes's user avatar
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Unable to generate maven-cucumber reports

My maven project build is success with warning as shown below. Terminal console shows, it is about to generate cucumber report and Unexpected error happened net.masterthought.cucumber....
Laxman's user avatar
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Selenium checking stale did not work for chrome driver version 126

Selenium checking stale did not work for chrome driver version 126: public boolean isElementStale(WebElement element) { try { element.isEnabled(); return false; ...
eastwater's user avatar
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Issue with Selenium and webdriver

I'm trying to use the webdriver and Selenium, it was working fine a couple days ago but I'm currently facing this issue where I receive this error: [Errno 8] Exec format error: '/Users/[USER]/.wdm/...
toprak's user avatar
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How to export test result present in Visual Studio 2022 Professional? I am working on specflow and there is no nunit used

I have executed my tests and want to export result present in Test Explorer in Visual Studio 2022 Professional v17.10.4. I am working on specflow and there is no nunit used. Is there any way to export ...
sriram srinivasan's user avatar

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