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-2 votes
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Azure Repo Setup for Nexus Repo

We have our own company framework for testing and all jar are stored in nexus repo. Whenever running my automation framework,all required jars are getting downloaded from nexus repo via pom dependancy....
techieqa's user avatar
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Selenium not bypassing cloudfare on linux

I am writing a discord bot that web scrapes with some filter periodically and outputs the tokens in a discord channel. When I run the code on my windows machine it works fine but when ...
Aditya Rawat's user avatar
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Get an external report link of test execution in selenium testNG when Jar file is executed, in the integration testing

I'm working on executing testNG suite through executable jar with dependencies. When we run we see extent reports i.e., emailable report . Now for our application, which has microservice architecture. ...
Abhilash Devraj Hiremath's user avatar
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How can I automate actions on mac os?

I have photoshop applications and I want to set up automatic photo processing. The program needs to perform the same type of actions many times. Googled Selenium, but selenium automates only the ...
user26485694's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Web form automation with python

I need to create an automation to fill out the registration form in this link: Im testing filling out the agency name but i keep getting an error stating "input-53" doesnt exist. Once i ...
jose lequerica's user avatar
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Get result with Xpath Expression to be used in java code

I'm unsure why I am not receiving a result for the xpath expression in the image below. I am trying to select the <circle> tag to execute a test step in my Selenium Java test script. I have ...
Ade Teriba's user avatar
-4 votes
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Best approach to simulate purchases for stock level information using Python and Selenium [closed]

I'm developing a web scraping service, primarily focusing on the fashion industry. My goal is to provide comprehensive data about products, including their stock levels. To achieve this, I need to ...
Rodrigo Claro's user avatar
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How to click element which is non-interactable using selenium-python

I've a portal which I need to automate. The problem arises when I'm trying to click on the Accept All button element of dialog box. But, I'm not able to locate it when trying to use inspect (F12). ...
Nitin Kumar's user avatar
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Appium: Android: Unable to Scroll towards the selected accessibility id

Using: driver.findElement(new AppiumBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).scrollIntoView(text(\"See More\"));")); and Getting and Error:  ...
Monkey's user avatar
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How to run failed testcases using pabot with multiple argument files (different set of data)

Goal: I am using pabot ( to run some test cases with different users in parallel, however when I try to use the '--rerunfailed' argument with multiple users, it fails as ...
Zeeshan's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Accessing Aria Labels and Drop Down Menu Selection - Selenium Python

I am having trouble trying to automate selenium to go into the site settings and change the Insecure content drop down menu from blocked to allow. Every approach I take I get the error the element can ...
Ethan D's user avatar
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Dropdown selection with Powershell and Selenium doesn´t work reliable

I`m using Powershell and Selenium to automate a browser to fetch some data from CBOE website. To get the full option chain I have to make selections first from two dropdown menus. The first dropdown ...
Marc W.'s user avatar
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Katalon Studio, Testcases disappear after pushing code and open other project

Recently, i made plenty changes and new testcases in my project. Then, i commited and pushed my code to my repository branch in Bitbucket. After that, i got some error like “Rejected bla bla bla”. But ...
Nielsen Superior's user avatar
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Keyword 'Capture Page Screenshot' could not be run on failure: WebDriverException: Message: disconnected: not connected to DevTools

My team and I have been encountering this issue for a couple of months already. When running our automated tests (Robotframework) in gitlab (on a docker image), some suites fail sporadically with the ...
Rositsa Kyuchukova's user avatar
-2 votes
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Add Selenium-wire and undetected-chrome-driver into one class

I not only need the function of seleniumwire to display request headers and response, but also the function of undetected-chrome-driver to bypass the Cloudflare Trunstile. How to merge them into one ...
JasperXzy's user avatar

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