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Questions tagged [python]

Python is a dynamically typed, multi-purpose programming language. It is designed to be quick to learn, understand, and use, and enforces a clean and uniform syntax. Note that Python 2 reached end-of-life on January 1st, 2020. For version-specific Python questions, add the version tag (e.g. [python-3.x] or [python-3.9]). When using a Python variant (e.g. Jython, PyPy) or library (e.g. Pandas, NumPy), please include it in the tags.

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How to filter Pandas Dataframe to integer values?

I have a dataframe column with string values. I want to filter to the rows that have integer. I can do the below to find if it's numeric, but this would return floats as well. result = pd.to_numeric(...
Melissa Guo's user avatar
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SSH, how do i know username and password? why arent my tunnels working?

So ssh is something new i discovered, i want to bypass a network guard i made for experience, i cant seem to understand how ssh -N -L localhost:8000:localhost:80 root@servername now. i understand the ...
Devatrish's user avatar
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In a dataframe,replace values ​from one column with multiple conditions and not in the same row to another column

I am trying to transfer values ​​from one column to another column in a dataframe, with multiple conditions and not in the same row. Values from Columns 'BEGUZ_H' and 'ENDUZ_H' to Columns 'BEGUZ' and '...
mxplk's user avatar
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Optimization of cylinder rotation to overlap to 3D array

My 3D array of labels contains one label "109" roughly representing a cylinder. I can find the height, radius and center coordinates with skimage.measure. Next, I can draw another cylinder ...
DozerD's user avatar
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Problem with circular Relashionship in async SQLAlchemy

I have the following sqlalchemy structure for some objects: class Test(Base): __tablename__ = "test" id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) ...
Кирилл Сыроежкин's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use CSV in function [closed]

I wrote this code but I do not know how to add my CSV files to it import hashlib import csv from collections import OrderedDict hp = OrderedDict() akahr = OrderedDict() def hash_password_hack(...
Beni's user avatar
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I am learing Fast api and going with the tutorial,but stucked here although i have written the same code as his but i am getting the responseValidation error. this is get post code: Code of get post ...
killercram's user avatar
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Azure Price Sheet API returning 404 error

I want to fetch the pricesheet for the Azure items on my subscription, considering any potential discounts. I understood from the API documentation, that using the billing period method would return ...
guzassis's user avatar
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Why does `blake2b` on a `numpy` array give different results in different machines?

I ran the following code in two different machines: import numpy as np from hashlib import blake2b print(blake2b(np.array([1, 2, 3])).hexdigest()) The two machines print a different result. Why ...
Ray Bern's user avatar
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Does Starlette SessionMiddleware store session data on the server or on the client?

I am developing a stateless FastAPI app. The authentication is handled via Google OAuth (openid email profile scope). I am using Authlib and it uses SessionMiddleware (request.session) to store ...
tanzwood's user avatar
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How do I add a new font to a fpdf2 doc I'm hosting on google cloud functions?

I have a python google cloud function that should create a pdf when triggered, but the code seems to breakdown, seemingly because of the font, see below. I tested the workflow with my local ...
Jason Vuka's user avatar
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What Is the best ML API for a Deep Audio Classification Model on the Raspberry Pi 0 2W?

I'd like to get your opinions on which ML API would be best for building an audio classification model. This model will be deployed on a small Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi 0 2W; could be something ...
Darius A's user avatar
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Python matplotlib - draw rectangles with small inner padding (in pixels) that adjust automatically when zooming

I need to draw rectangles with small amount of INNER padding (e.g. 2 px) so that they don't come in contact with immediately adjacent rectangles. I would like the padding to remain constant after any ...
Erik's user avatar
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line 6 else print('not good') ^^^^^ SyntaxError: expected ':' [closed]

salary = int (input('enter your salary: \n')) hours = int (input('enter your hours: \n')) total_salary = salary * hours if total_salary<200000: print('good') else print('not good') I want to ...
Ali Sohrabpour's user avatar
-1 votes
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I am recieving a NoReverseMatch error does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Im trying to allow the user to edit an existing entry. But when I include new_entry.html `{% extends "learning_logs/base.html" %} {% block content %} <p> <a href="{% url '...
Dokkaebi's user avatar

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