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Questions tagged [python-re]

Python library that provides regular expression matching operations similar to those found in Perl.

3 votes
0 answers

Why does re.compile exist?

Here is re.compile: >>> import re, inspect >>> print(inspect.getsource(re.compile)) def compile(pattern, flags=0): "Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a Pattern ...
wim's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there any situation where could not be used instead of re.match? [duplicate]

The documentation seems clear but it begs the question, what is the purpose of re.match? Couldn't with the caret (^) be used instead as long as the MULTILINE flag is not enabled? Is re.match ...
Kevin Eldurson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to find all occurrences of a substring in a string while ignoring some characters in Python?

I'd like to find all occurrences of a substring while ignoring some characters. How can I do it in Python? Example: long_string = 'this is a t`es"t. Does the test work?' small_string = "test&...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to extract the volume from a string using a regular expression?

I need to extract the volume with regular expression from strings like "Candy BAR 350G" (volume = 350G), "Gin Barrister 0.9ml" (volume = 0.9ml), "BAXTER DRY Gin 40% 0.5 ml&...
Veronica Isakova's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I simplify this method to replace punctuation while keeping special words intact?

I am making a modulatory function that will take keywords with special characters (@&\*%) and keep them intact while all other punctuation is deleted from a sentence. I have devised a solution, ...
linkey apiacess's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I fix this Reg ex so that it matches hyphenated words where the final segment ends in a consonant other than the letter m

I want to match all cases where a hyphenated string (which could be made up of one or multiple hyphenated segments) ends in a consonant that is not the letter m. In other words, it needs to match ...
Paige Cox's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Replacing part of string with re.sub with number and string [closed]

I want to replace part of a string based on re.sub method as below import re re.sub("([0-9]_F)$", '[0-9]_DO', 'sdsd3_F') However I fail to manage the numerical part of match which is also a ...
Bogaso's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How can a number range and value be extracted from this complicated string using Python?

I have a complicated string that includes a kilometer range and a fee for users that fall into that range. Ideally, I would like to transform the string into something that I could use to easily ...
Feiznia's user avatar
  • 15
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Match a pattern containing multiple subpatern in different order [duplicate]

In Python with Re library, I try to match a char structur with this synopsis: [n|new|newgame] <name> [code=<code>] [type=<type>] [licence=<licence>] [url=<url>] But code,...
fauve's user avatar
  • 256
-1 votes
0 answers

Can't get the expected output of "dir" command using wexpect on python

Can't get the expected output of "dir" command using wexpect on python. My wexpect script: import wexpect def run_cmd(): # Start cmd.exe process cmd = wexpect.spawn("cmd.exe&...
vIIr's user avatar
  • 7
-2 votes
1 answer

regular expression to find pattern in the same word [duplicate]

There is a string "123:987 767687:99 145:986 156:876 " My regex expression is (\d{3}):\1 I expecting the result is 123:987, 145:986, 156:876 there is no result found. i dont undertsand. ...
Анатолій's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Match a patern with multiple entries in arbitrary order in Python with re [duplicate]

I try to catch values entered in syntax like this one name="Game Title" authors="John Doe" studios="Studio A,Studio B" licence=ABC123 url= command=&...
fauve's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why is \b NOT matching beginning of word after a space? [duplicate]

According to the docs for \b: "r'\bat\b' matches 'at', 'at.', '(at)', and 'as at ay'" ... except this is not my experience: import re pat = re.compile(r'\bat\b') print(pat.match('as at ay')) ...
kaay's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why is `re.Pattern` generic?

import re x = re.compile(r"hello") In the above code, x is determined to have type re.Pattern[str]. But why is re.Pattern generic, and then specialized to string? What does a re.Pattern[...
bzm3r's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How does regex filteration work in Python re while logging sensitive info?

I am trying to write a python script which would redact/hide certain data present in a string before logging it out to the console. Below is my code snippet so far. import re from logging import DEBUG,...
John Bosman's user avatar

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