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Questions tagged [py-langchain]

LangChain is an open-source framework for developing applications powered by language models. Use this tag for the python-specific package.

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ImportError: cannot import name 'TypeBaseModel' from 'langchain_core.utils.pydantic'

from pydantic import BaseModel from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA chain = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm,chain_type="stuff",retriever=retriever,input_key="query",...
yogesh bandewar's user avatar
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Langchain: Output of one chain as input for another using LCEL

I've started working with Langchain to get a feel of it and a lot of the videos seem outdated. After some research I learned about LCEL being used as the other methods seem to be deprecated. In my ...
enchance's user avatar
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How to fix "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'query'" in langchain?

retriver = PineconeVectorStore( pinecone_api_key=pc_key, index="index-1", embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings() ).as_retriever() qa_chain = ( { "context": ...
Denuwan Kalubowila's user avatar
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Why llm_chain.invoke(ques_VN) output is interrupted when it is being printed?

I have a problem related to using llm_chain.invoke() to return the answer from ChatGPT. More specificially, when I want the function to return the answer, the output cannot be completed and is ...
Golden Pham's user avatar
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TypeError while executing Langchain RunnablePassThrough. Question is not passed correctly

I get this error message <ipython-input-141-b8110c573881> in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 final_chain.invoke({"question":"Count of Agencies?"}) 25 frames /usr/local/lib/...
Tharun Manogaran's user avatar
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Parsing structured output and generating a summary about the parsing simultaneously using langchain?

I am using langchain for one of my applications. Here the client sends a query regarding a search criteria. In the app the search criteria gets decomposed into multiple sub search criteria which will ...
Harsha Abeyvickrama's user avatar
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LangChain agent can't see a tool

I use mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q2_K. @tool def create_new_specialist(text): '''Describe some specialist who you want.''' # some code global specialist specialist = # some code ...
adfnw's user avatar
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langchain_text_splitters.RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter: Why does this need "" as a separator? The default value of separators argument contains "" (the 4th element). I wonder why it is needed because I doubt "...
dmjy's user avatar
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Attribute Scope Issues with FastEmbedEmbeddings in Flask-based RAG Server

I am very new to python... in every way. Which, may be the root of the problem. I was attempting to follow a RAG tutorial watching Llama3 Full Rag - API with Ollama, LangChain and ChromaDB with Flask ...
Nolan Robidoux's user avatar
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Issue with SQLDatabase.from_uri in langchain when including materialized views

This is not working for views ( working for tables in the same database) db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(rds_uri,include_tables=["mv_complete_dur_info_update_new"],view_support=True,schema="...
kalpesh patil's user avatar
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SQL query is not correctly generated using langchain, nlp and llm

I have created a application which takes input question and converts it in SQL query using langchain, llm and nlp but sometimes it creating wrong query especially in the beginning following is the ...
kalpesh patil's user avatar
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Return fastapi http exception to fron from langchain runnable

My backend is running langchain routes with certain runnables. I want to be able to return an http exception like "404 Not found" to the front end, but when I raise it with with raise ...
Carles Roch Arnau's user avatar
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Need to call an async instance method from a sync instance method

send_message() gets called from a thread. Since my_channel.send() is async, I think it is necessary to have a synchronous send_message() call the asynchronous asend_message(). How can it be done? #@...
Innovations Anonymous's user avatar
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Impossible to get replies out of LLama3

As the question says, I am trying to run Llama3 but to no avail. Most people recommend using Ollama, which I cannot use due to personal circumstances (I am running the code on a cluster and I cannot ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Having problems with Langchain and SQLDatabaseToolkit: 'sql_db_list_tables' and others doesn't work

everyone. I'm trying to query a MySQL database using Python and Langchain. However, some features seem to return nothing, while others work. sql_db_list_tables, get,usable_table_names, table_info and ...
arturgomesc's user avatar

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