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Questions tagged [prettier]

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter for JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Markdown, and other languages. If possible, please use Prettier's Playground to illustrate your question (use the "Copy link" and "Copy markdown" buttons at the bottom right corner of the Playground).

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How To Unquote Numeric Properties In Vue

When assigning attributes to components in the template section of Vue, values of numeric props are placed inside quotes which tend to generate a lot of warning in the console. Even after removing ...
coochie's user avatar
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Error: prettier.resolveConfig is not a function (ESLint/Prettier Rule)

I'm encountering an error during linting in my React project: Error: prettier.resolveConfig is not a function Occurred while linting `path` Rule: "prettier/prettier" Those dependencies are ...
boze-noob's user avatar
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Is there any prettier rule for 'inserting spaces after opening and before closing parenthesis'?

I can achieve this in vscode by using: { "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces": true, "typescript.format....
Waldo Sobrino's user avatar
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Update ESLint to flat config for Angular v18 app causes problems with prettier

I'm in the process of updating an Angular workspace with multiple applications from 17 to 18 and code and styling (in m2 mode) work. However, the ESLint configuration now uses the flat config and also ...
Kees de Bruin's user avatar
2 votes
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Prettier is removing typescript generic annotation from react class component

I'm trying to make an ErrorBoundary using a class component like this class ErrorBoundary extends Component<ErrorBoundaryProps,ErrorBoundaryState> But every time I format it with prettier, the ...
E C I N's user avatar
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Prettier ignores tab width despite settings seem correct

I have this .prettierrc with "prettier": "^3.3.3" installed (package.json): { "printWidth": 100, "useTabs": true, "tabWidth": 2, "...
Oliver Hausler's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to enable Prettier "Format On Save" behaviour in VSCode for one source code type only?

I want to enable the Prettier (code formatter) format on save feature, but for one type of source file only. (One programming language source.) In this particular case, I only want this featured ...
user2138149's user avatar
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Prettier Plugins Not Found with Pre-Commit

I'm using Prettier with pre-commit to format my code before committing. However, I encountered an issue where Prettier doesn't seem to recognize the plugins. With this setup, Prettier is not able to ...
Lajos's user avatar
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Is there a way to prettify my shell script text on React

I am working on a React project and I am making a UI where it will show the shell script to the users and they can choose options from the dropdown. Example of what user see on the UI: !#/bin/bash ###...
vvv-1234's user avatar
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Prettier in VSCode - Fails to format files

I get the follow error log while formatting the typescript file. I am using VSCode with formatting snippet extension. I have checked the doc, but cannot find any solution. ["ERROR" - 12:32:...
Lau Chun Hong's user avatar
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Prettier setting to preserve space for prettier table formatting

I made a table const transitions: any = [ /* fromState event toState callback */ t(States.zombie,, States.walk, ()=>animation("walk&...
nerkn's user avatar
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creyD/prettier_action - Process completed with exit code 128

I am having trouble in properly setting up my GitHub prettier action. I plan on using the creyD/prettier_action GitHub action to format incoming commits, but every time the code gets reviewed it ...
Adebayo Anuoluwa's user avatar
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ReactJS Prettier : Place Types On New Line

I am getting this error in VSCode ReactJS Typescript Prettier: Prettier is suggesting increases readability when dealing with complex or long generic types by placing the generic type on a new line, ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Adding CSS symbol code to Tailwind-css pseudo-elements

Not sure if this is a prettier or tailwind-css issue, but I am building a marquee component in nextjs where the content is separated by a bullet symbol with CSS code: content-['\2022']. This renders ...
Tittoh's user avatar
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2 answers

How to sort React attributes in VS Code?

For example I got: <Image alt="" src="/img/logo.svg" width="30" height="30" className="d-inline-block align-top" /> Any plugin to sort ...
aboutjquery's user avatar
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Vscode does not format the content of nextjs into multiple lines

vscode does not format the content of nextjs into multiple lines I expected <Image alt="" src="/img/logo.svg" width="30" height="30" className="d-...
aboutjquery's user avatar
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Why do I get an "Incorrect type" error when setting codeActionsOnSave?

I am following this doc by Wes Bos to set up both ESLint. I also wanted to make it such that the set up automatically helps me reformat my code on save. However, this part of the set up is not working....
wei bin lau's user avatar
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Prettier included in package.json but not available in default formatter selection list

In an Angular project that I'm developing in Visual Studio Code, I have the following in package.json: "devDependencies": { "@angular-builders/custom-webpack": "^17.0.0&...
Green Grasso Holm's user avatar
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Prettier formatting remove the space after comma in SQL

I have this query: SELECT column1,column2,column3 FROM table_stage Then I set prettier to put the comma before the value but I get this result: SELECT column1 , column2 , column3 ...
LightningStack575's user avatar
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Trying to create a Github action that auto lints and formats the changed code in a PR

I have two Github actions one for auto formating and another for linting: Auto lint name: Lint changed files on: pull_request: types: [opened, synchronize, reopened] jobs: auto_lint: ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Prettier Ignoring .prettierignore for Nx Cache Directory After Upgrade to latest

I'm encountering an issue with Prettier after upgrading from version 3.2.5 to 3.3.0 in my Nx monorepo. Despite having a .prettierignore file configured to ignore certain directories, Prettier is now ...
Mauro Avellaneda's user avatar
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gap within the brackets in css in VScode

It seems that Prettier is not removing gaps in my Brackets {} in CSS in VSCode latest Version. I thought in the past it use to do it, not sure though. It formats in all other respects except removing ...
PSicurello's user avatar
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How to configure ESLint with Prettier and TypeScript on Node 20?

I tried to configure Prettier with ESLint and create a configuration in settings.json to fix errors when saving, but the errors appear in .js files and not in .ts files. How to configure this? ...
Abner Matheus's user avatar
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Prettier rule to break all html elements inside a block the same way

I am using default NextJS eslint rules and have prettier activated in VS Code. I am pretty sure this is a prettier configuration but basically when I am templating, I want all HTML elements inside a ...
mchl18's user avatar
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Enforcing Consistent Code Formatting for HTML and Typescript (VS Code & WebStorm)

I'm in a team working on Angular projects and using Prettier for code formatting (HTML, TypeScript, SCSS). We're encountering merge conflicts due to inconsistent Prettier formatting across team ...
jessiepinkman's user avatar
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VS Code: The Svelte server crashed 5 times. Cannot find module @rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc

Happens when saving and Prettier tries to format the code. Can anyone help me with this error? It's driving me insane. Here's the error log: Error: Cannot find module @rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc. ...
Sir Rubberduck's user avatar
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Prettier and eslint / tslint plugins turn off randomly

I have Intellij IDEA 2023.2.3, and I usually use prettier, eslint/tslint on automatic mode, and we have .eslintrc, .prettierrc.json, and tsconfig.json files in our root directory that intellij should ...
Matt Strom's user avatar
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Prettier failing with "Request textDocument/rangeFormatting failed with message: js_source_text is not defined"

I'm using Prettier, along with the plugin prettier-plugin-apex in VS Code, to format Salesforce classes and Visual Force pages etc. It works (formats my docs on Save) most of the time, but now some, ...
cyberspy's user avatar
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error message 'Delete `␍`eslintprettier/prettier' in nest js project

code prettier code prettierrc { "singleQuote": true, "trailingComma": "all" } eslintc.js module.exports = { parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', ...
Marz m's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code bad formatting in vuejs

I've reinstalled my Windows again and installed Visual Studio Code along with Prettier, but it's formatting the syntax and everything else very poorly. Below is an example of how it looks and how it ...
Octavian's user avatar
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Does anybody know how to avoid this weird format in VS Code?

I made an HTML file and when I saved it, the formatting happens, but it adds those white spaces and line jumps for whatever reason. I uninstalled VS Code and all the extensions that I had to have a ...
Roberto Gutiérrez's user avatar
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How can I configure prettier to stop turning "&gt;" into "& gt;"?

My work situation does not allow the use of some characters such as ">", "<", or "&". Instead, we use the html entity equivalent in the JavaScript. Prettier ...
Tyler Pedraja's user avatar
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Wrong @if @for intendation with newest Prettier with angular17 and VS Code

Using latest prettier with the following prettierrc file: { "arrowParens": "always", "bracketSameLine": true, "bracketSpacing": true, "semi&...
Markus Benz's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I user Prettier on Laravel Blade?

Quick question, how do I use Prettier to prettify the PHP file with HTML source code in it? So, here's my index.blade.php file <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> &...
SirGhazian's user avatar
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How to ignore yml extension from prettier? .prettierignore doesn't work

I tried to create yml file to use github actions for flutter web deployment. But I face error saying Invalid action input '...'. Output terminal shows below error. ["INFO" - 오전 11:17:07] ...
Hyejung's user avatar
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Configure prettier to put curly brackets in a specific position

I'm using prettier on vscode to write C++ code and I'm trying to change how the curly brackets get positioned after a control flow statements: What i get: void Foo() { int i; for(i = 0; i < ...
Anto's user avatar
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Unable to use Prettier as default formatter for React app in VSCode

I'm trying to install Prettier in my VScode (Windows+WSL) workspace. I succesfully installed extension and wrote this settings to my settings.json: { "[typescript]": { "editor....
zhans's user avatar
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Prettier on WebStorm triggers multiple compilations

I'm developing (an Angular application) using WebStorm. I like using Prettier and I have set it up to automatically trigger on save. This seems to apply Prettier after the file has been saved, which ...
Alberto Chiesa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Prettier reporting SyntaxError in JSX

Just spun up a new React project and decided to use Prettier in it. However, in all of my .tsx files Prettier reports syntax errors on the first line of JSX. For example: src/components/layout/Layout....
dawsonc623's user avatar
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Prettier formatting differs in VSCode and Neovim

This happens mostly due to ternary operators in javascript/typescript files. It looks something like this in Neovim: intent={ invoiceNumberError === "" ? Intent.NONE : ...
Owenn's user avatar
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Prettier does not work in <script> tag in handlebars (hbs) file

My FE using handlebars (hbs) file and Prettier work pretty well except <script> tag of handlebars file enter image description here Has anyone encounted this issue?
Nguyn Tn c K17's user avatar
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Prettier is not formatting tsx code the way I want it to

Decided to reinstall windows and forgot to save my vscode and extension settings, now prettier won't work the way it used to. <Modal visible={isModalVisible} animationType="slide" ...
user avatar
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Prettier case-insensitive globbing

For some tooling, I'm attempting to run a Prettier command like prettier "**/*foo*" where files such as src/foo.js and src/another/Foo.js are both matched in a case-insensitive manner. The ...
Jonathan.Brink's user avatar
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How can I prettify/syntax-hilight xml in the browser using prettier?

I am looking at this example that describes how one can format graphql in the browser. e.g. <script src="[email protected]/standalone.js"></script> <script src=&...
Marinos An's user avatar
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VSCode Prettier extension scrolls to bottom of file on save [duplicate]

Whenever I make a change to a file with Prettier enabled and save it, the cursor moves to the last position in the file. If I disable Prettier there are no issues. Both VSCode and Prettier is up to ...
committer's user avatar
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Flat config file with configs from legacy eslintrc compat error

I am trying to get prettier, typescript, eslint with airbnb typescript syntax working with linting and auto formatting. The minimal node package.json file. { "name": "typescript-...
Rashiq's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Prettier formatting [closed]

When im formatting, it shows error SyntaxError: Unexpected closing tag "a". It may happen when the tag has already been closed by another tag. For more info see
Allayy's user avatar
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prettier formatWithCursor very slowed when use with *.min.js

I have an issue: Use prettier to format the min.js file content, but the problem is that prefromance takes a lot of time if used: prettier.formatWithCursor(contentFileMinJS, { parser: "babel"...
one he's user avatar
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How can i solve "loading error module" for Prettier?

I tried adding Prettier to a random project to get familiar with the setup but after I installed the plugin I can't seem to get past this error, and I searched for hours. (photo) prettier error ...
user23818936's user avatar
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New Line in prettier when more then one attribute and content

i want to add config to not break line when length is less than printWidth property. First Case input: <div b={2} a={2} b={3} c={22}>s</div> output: <div b={2} a={2} b={3} c={22}> ...
Gio Romanadze's user avatar

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