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Questions tagged [prettier-eslint]

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Prettier rule to break all html elements inside a block the same way

I am using default NextJS eslint rules and have prettier activated in VS Code. I am pretty sure this is a prettier configuration but basically when I am templating, I want all HTML elements inside a ...
mchl18's user avatar
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error message 'Delete `␍`eslintprettier/prettier' in nest js project

code prettier code prettierrc { "singleQuote": true, "trailingComma": "all" } eslintc.js module.exports = { parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', ...
Marz m's user avatar
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Flat config file with configs from legacy eslintrc compat error

I am trying to get prettier, typescript, eslint with airbnb typescript syntax working with linting and auto formatting. The minimal node package.json file. { "name": "typescript-...
Rashiq's user avatar
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Code formatting not working properly in prettier-eslint

I use prettier-eslint for code formatting in vscode. All major tags formatted succesfully when save. But some tags divide the tag and it's class to another code line. I won't to get the tag and class ...
Nipun Vidarshana's user avatar
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VSCode Saving causes code to appear on newline and adds double quotes

When saving, it automatically formats the code to appear on a newline and surrounds it with double quotes. I am not sure what setting on Prettier is causing this, how do I disable this formatting ...
Jeremy Chee's user avatar
10 votes
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Problem when trying to add Prettier's Git Hook: husky install error `install command is deprecated`

node version: 20.11.0 pnpm version: 8.15.0 os: Windows I was following the instructions in I ran the second command pnpm exec husky install and cmd gives me ...
KJ Ang's user avatar
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prettier extension not Working in VS_Code...?

i installed the pritter extension and it doesn't work not in any language like javaScript and not in the react js project...? Every time when i select the prettier to formate the code it doesn't do ...
M.Zubair's user avatar
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Prettier plugin tailwindcss not working in the visual code

In our project we defined the configs for the prettier and eslint. the problem we facing down below so the when eslint server starting working that will not find the prettier-plugin-eslint but its ...
Shankar CJ's user avatar
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Node_ Modules/qualifier/standalone. js 418:11

I introduced Prettier in my React project, but there was a compilation error/ Node_ Modules/qualifier/standalone. js 418:11 I would like to know how to solve it, When I commented out the code with the ...
尹皓秋's user avatar
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ESlint --config option not working and still uses the same root file config

I have this in my package.json "scripts": { "lint": "eslint --quiet .", "lint:prcleancode": "eslint -c ./ci/.eslint-cleancode.json The first ...
Chen Peleg's user avatar
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VSCode producing wrong ESLint Prettier error

After saving my .tsx file in VSCode, Eslint/Prettier changes the order of the Tailwind classes. However, when I run Eslint in my terminal, it shows this reordering as an error. VSCode correct: ...
Garrett's user avatar
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Setting up Auto Format on Save easily in VS Code (Visual Studio Code) for Expo React-Native

Is there a quick guide / tutorial for how to easily set up auto-code-formatting, eslint/prettier, etc. in vscode? (Specifically for code formatting of React, React-Native projects). Simply downloading ...
Masud Ahmed's user avatar
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Usage of @eslint/config tool with airbnb and prettier plugins

Following eslint QuickStart documentation, I run the npm init @eslint/config and got a boilerplate .eslintrc as expected: module.exports = { "env": { "browser": true, ...
cvass's user avatar
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How do I change eslint styling organization from alphabetical?

I am using eslint to organize my styling code, but was wondering if there are different options other than alphabetical styling ordering. Currently eslint suggests I change this: Tag: { display: &...
Nick Friesen's user avatar
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eslint ignores one specific file and doesn't show any warnings or errors

I'm making React/TS project with eslint and prettier. I installed and set up eslint and prettier following this guide. But eslint doesn't work in one specific file and logs the following in the VSCode ...
thirtythreeboas's user avatar

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